Decision support to select appropriate Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices within the landscape

  • Conservation Tillage Practices for Corn Production

    "Tipid Saka"

    A crop production system which focuses on soil conservation and reducing excessive tillage operations, reduces labor and farm inputs while increasing productivity and profitability.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure untitledland (leased)
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical Soil Deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures: Prevention and mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increased soil fertility and good soil structure for better nutrient and water uptake by plants

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment input and cost per ha: Labor - 6,950 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides, Bio-N) - 4,400 P/ha; Others (post harvest, market transport and packaging) - 10,810 P/ha. Total Cost - 22,160 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.83 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.84 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.52 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.86 Medium
    Full details:
    1890 hits

  • Natural Vegetative Strips (NVS)

    Within individual cropland plots, strips of land are marked out on the contour and left unploughed in order to form permanent, cross-slope barriers of naturally established grasses and herbs.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 -1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-80; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-20
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, trees and shrubs: rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion; gully erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter.
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; control of dispersed runoff; increase infiltration and increase soil fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establisment activities: Lay out of contour using A-frame; placing wooden pegs along contours; seeding; transplanting; land preparation. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1000 P/ha; Equiipment (animal traction, tools, and stakes) - 3,300 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 13,300 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Plowing along the contour leaving unplowed strips; planting; mulching; fertilization, interim cultivation/weeding; plowing mulch into the soil; weeding slashing grass; spreading the cut materials evenly in the alleys; pruning. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor -1,700 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction, tools) - 1,980 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,500 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 11,180 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.56 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.95 Medium
    Full details:
    1833 hits

  • In 'situ' Decomposition of Banana Stalk

    "Palata System"

    Leaving the trunk of a newly harvested banana standing beside a follower plant to provide nutrients and moisture especially during period of drought.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat-gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 2-5; 500-1,000
    Land tenure company leased
    Landuse Perennial (non-woody) cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil detrioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, water degradation; aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility; Increase/maintain water stored in the soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance/recurrent activities: 1) Cutting of crown of newly harvested plants; Inputs: Labor - 2,350 P/ha-year; Equipment - cutting tools - 500 P/ha-year; Total Cost - 2,850P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.63 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.02 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.65 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.99 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.29 Low
    Full details:
    1468 hits

  • Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP)

    Development of micro-catchment for soil and water conservation and for the provision of supplementary irrigation during the dry season.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120 ; >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; perennial crop
    Land degradation Water degradation, aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting nd increase water supply

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing, staking and laying out; Stripping and excavation; embankment filling; pipe lay out and installation; riprapping; concrete works, embankment sodding; and canal excavation and lining. Establishment inputs and cost per ha of service area: Labor - 105,000 P/ha; Materials - 99,000 P/ha; 96,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 300,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent costs (Embankment maintenance, appurtenant structures maintenance, canal maintenance): Labor - 12,000 P/ha-year; Minor equipment - 3,000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 15,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.26 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.62 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.04 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.97 High
    Full details:
    7438 hits

  • Small Farm Reservoir (SFR)


    The Small Farm Rerservoir is an earth dam structure used to trap harvest and store rainfall and water runoff.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plains/hillslopes
    Slope rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; low organic matter content
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation soil erosion and excessive runoff; limited water supply
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures: Prevention and rhabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting/ increase water supply; Control dispersed runoff, retain/trapped; contol concentrated runoff: retain/trap.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Laying-out & staking; 2) Clearing; 3) Excavation; 4) Spreading of fill materials; 5) Embankment filling and compaction; 6) pipe laying out and setting; and 7) canal/spillway construction. Total construction cost - 40,000 - 100,000 P/unit.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.40 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.96 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.97 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    3280 hits

  • Multi-Storey Cropping

    "Maramihang Pagtatanim or Planting in Great Numbers"

    Cultivating a mixture of crops with different heights (multi-storey) and growth characteristics which together optimise the use of soil, moisture and space.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes, ridges, and plateau/plain
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Agroforestry, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of top soil/surface runoff; chemical soil deterioration; fertilit decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Control raindrop splash; improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment actvities: Planting of tallest storey (coconut); Planting of lowest storey (pineapple); Planting of lowest storey continued (root crops); Planting of middle storey (coffe and banana). Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 7,000 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction and farm tools) - 4, 230 P/ha; Agricultural (seedlings, fertilizer, biocides, compost/manure) - 54,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 65,230 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,100 P/ha-year; Agricultural (fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.40 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.97 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.98 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    16.56 High
    Full details:
    4240 hits

  • Residue Incorporation (Corn)

    "Palugdang", "Palata"

    Incorporation of corn stalks during land preparation for the succeeding crop.

    Location upland to hillyland and highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-3000
    Landform footslopes- hillslopes; plateau/plains
    Slope gentle-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50 - > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-5
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline; and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility and organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Equiipment (animal traction) - 1,500 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,700 P/ha; Others (planting, Harvesting, Maintenance) - 4,500 P/ha; Total cost - 13,700 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.56 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.04 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.98 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.16 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.74 Low
    Full details:
    1078 hits

  • Planted Vegetative Strips (PVS)

    Planting of economic crops/forages in strips along the contour to control soil loss through erosion.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-2000
    Landform hillslopes; plateaus/plains
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control; dispersed runoff; imped and retard

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Planting of Alley crops; contouring; planting of vegetative strips. Establishment inputs and costs: Labor - 950 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction) - 600 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds and seedlings) - 5,300 P/ha. Total Cost - 6,850 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.69 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.94 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.53 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.97 Medium
    Full details:
    786 hits

  • Windbreaks

    Planting of herbaceous plants or trees along property boundaries to serve as windbreaks and as sources of fodder and fuel.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse agro-silvo pastoralism, rainfed
    Land degradation soil erosion by wind, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Reduction in wind speed

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha (seeding /planting): Labor - 1,880 P/ha'; Tools - 250 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedling, stem cuttings) - 800 P/ha. Total Cost - 2,930 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Removal of dead branches (trees); Cutting of grasses. Maintenance/recurrent cost per ha per year: Labor - 700 P/ha-year; Minor tools - 300 P/ha; Total recurrent cost - 1,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.57 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.44 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.32 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.99 Low
    Full details:
    1897 hits

  • Rainfed paddy rice terraces


    Terraces supporting rainfed paddy rice on steep mountain slopes: these have been in existence for more than a thousand years.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1500-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope hilly - steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha)
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Bench Terraces); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; increase/maintain water stored in the soil; reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; indirect maintenance of fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Levelling by moving soil from upslope to the downslope part; construction of bunds (lip at the terrace ridge) of about 50-100 cm; determination of contour lines. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 115,000 P/ha; Equipment - 10,000 P/ha; Total cost - 125,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding by cutting grasses on the bund/riser using hand tools, hoeing; Land preparation by puddling, in most cases the use of animal traction is not possible because of the steepness of the slope and height of the risers; Repairing breached portion of the bunds, adding few centimeters in the process. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 3,000 P/ha-year; Equipment (farm tools) - 1000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 4,000 P/ha-year. Remarks: The costs of establishment are just estimates as new terrace construction no longer takes place in the study area. The land has already been terraced for centuries. The maintenance costs assumes minor and light maintenance and does not include major repairs of bunds.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.91 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.69 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1039 hits

  • Stone bunds and small basins

    "Pamugong sa yuta (Cebuano)"

    Piling of stones and rocks along the contour to control run-off and soil erosion. It is also about the creation of small basins by removing stones and using them as barriers.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500-2,000
    Landform hill slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Surface soil erosion, top soil removal
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation and rehabilitation
    Technical function control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; gathering and piling of stones along contour with development of small basin for rainwater impoundment. Establishment inputs and cost per ha. Labor - 47,000 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1,800 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.46 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.15 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.47 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.58 Low
    Full details:
    899 hits

  • Vetiver grass system or Vetiver grass technology

    "Mora, Moras, Amora and Modas in the different regions in the Philippines"

    Vetiver grass used as contour hedgerows in sloping agricultural land used for annual crops.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80 ; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping rainfed
    Land degradation Surface erosion by water, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mtigation and prevention
    Technical function control dispersed runoff, retain top soil; reduction of slope length

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting vertiver grass along contour; Replacement/replanting gaps. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 2,350 P/ha; Seedlings - 4,700 P/ha; Total Cost - 7,050 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pruning. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.38 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.14 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.77 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.80 Low
    Full details:
    1627 hits

  • Littuko Growing for Forest Enhancement

    Growing of rattan is done by upland farmers as part of the Community Based Forest Management (CBFM).

    Location upland to hillyland and higland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope hilly to steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure communal, organized
    Landuse Natural;; Other: Grazing land; forest
    Land degradation Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitat
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Promotion of vegetation species and varieties; conservation of trees that serve as hosts; increase organic matter; increase biomass

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Nursery establishment through seedbed; transplanting. Establishment per unit: Labor - 400 P/unit; Agricultural inputs (incl. seeds) - 10,400 P/ha; Total Cost -10,800/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.65 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.48 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.39 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.45 Medium
    Full details:
    1637 hits

  • Rockwall Terracing

    Rockwall terracing refers to the piling of stones or rocks along contour lines to reduce soil erosion in hilly areas.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; mixed grazing land, rainfed and irrigated
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/surface runoff
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Strucutural Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; retain /trap; control concentrated runoff: retain trap; control soil erosion

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; Digging along contour; Gathering and piling of stones along contour. Establishment inpputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 37,800 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha; Total cost - 38,800 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent of activities: Re-piling of stones and rocks that are dislodged. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per unit (ha) per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.30 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.19 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.28 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.43 Low
    Full details:
    1217 hits

  • Seed Production of Multipurpose Shrubs/Legumes

    Seed production of multipurpose shrubs and legumes, a soil conservation practice in sloping areas wherein flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) and Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) are densely planted along contours.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs cropping: Forests/woodlands: natural cropland
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/ surface runoff; chemical deterioraton-fertlity decline; biological degradation
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff-retain/trap; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap; improvement of ground cover; promotion of vegetation species and varieties

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Land preparation; Plowing, harrowing and furrowing; Establishment of contour lines and laying out. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 2,300 P/ha; Equipment (bamboo pegs) - 150 P/ha; Seeds - 2,100 P/ha; Total Cost - 4,550 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding/hilling-up; Harvesting; Sun drying; Manual threshing; Harvesting of Flemengia and Indigofera. Maintenance/recurrent costs: Labor - 2,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.06 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.47 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.41 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.89 Medium
    Full details:
    960 hits

  • Contour Farming Using Hedgerows

    "Contour Farming"

    Contour farming is a technology practiced in sloping areas in which hedgerows are established along the contours and other annual/cash crops are grown in the alleys between the hedges.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) < 0.50
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/ surface erosion; chemical deterioration; fertillity decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Conrol of dispersed runoff: retain/trap; minimize soil erosion due to runoff; serve as soil nutrient traps

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Laying out and establishment of contour lines/hedges; Planting of hedgerows with Napier grass; Planting of perennial crops along contour. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 1,350 P/ha; Local materials (A-frame) - 100 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings, herbecides) - 4,400 P/ha; Total cost - 5,850 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation of alley between hedges; furrowing; planting of corn (first cropping); Weeding; Harvesting of first crop; Planting of second crop (corn & peanut; Weeding; Harvesting of second crop. Maitenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,950 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction)/ - 300 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds and fertilizer) - 2,200 P/ha-year: Total maintenance cost - 4,450 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.76 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.90 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.77 High
    Full details:
    3296 hits

  • Vegetable Terracing

    Vegetable terracing is a technology practiced at which point terraces are established from the contours along mountain slope for crop production.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 2000-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50;low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, Forest/woodlandrest/woodlands
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Structural Measures; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Control of dspersed runoff: impede/retart; control concentrated runoff: impede/retard; reduction of slope angle

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Establishment of terraces. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 25,100 P/ha; Minor tools - 600 P/ha; Total cost - 25,700 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation; application of chicken manure; Planting; hilling up including application of fertilizer; Weeding; Spraying of insecticides; Harvesting. Maintenance/recurrent costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,570 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure, insecticides) - 43,300 P/ha-year. Total maintenance/recurrent costs - 57,870 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.16 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.88 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.82 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.56 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.42 Medium
    Full details:
    1492 hits

  • Alternate Wetting and Drying

    Alternate Wetting and Drying is a water-use management technique wherein irrigation water input could be substantially reduced to as much as 35% without significantly affecting rice yields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plain
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual Cropping, irrigated
    Land degradation Water degradation, change in quantity of surface water
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management Measures- Major changes in timing of activities; Prevention
    Technical function More efficient water use

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Preparation of PVC/bamboo tubes; 2) Perforating the sides of the tubes with many holes; Establishment inputs and cost per unit: Labor - 160 P/pc; Materials: PVC - 210 P/pc; Total Cost - 370P/pc
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.88 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.92 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.59 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.72 Medium
    Full details:
    1971 hits

  • Trees as Buffer Zones

    Trees as buffer zones are vegetative measures established in the area to prevent pest from crossing in between blocks. Further, the technology provides haven for flora and fauna which are endemic in the area.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mitigation and prevention
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; stabilization of soil; reduction in wind speed; increase biomass; spatial arrangement and diversification of land use; improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Grass Brushing; Hole Digging; Planting. Establishment inputs: Labor - 5,500 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost per hac per year: Labor - 3,700 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.63 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.66 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.17 Medium
    Full details:
    1381 hits

  • Pressing of Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica)

    An indigenous technology of enhancing wildling growth by pressing of cogon grass.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Natural; Deforested Land
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Enhance the growth of wildling by controlling the growth of fast-growing grasses (cogon); control/avoid forest fires

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Identification of wildlings (2 feet high); Ring weeding; Pressing of cogon away from wildlings; Application of fertilizers. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 950 P/ha; Construction material (wood and rope) - 200 P/ha; Total Cost - P 1,150 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pressing of Cogon (Labor) - 210 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    2.68 Negligible
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    2.52 Negligible
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.22 Low
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.67 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    11.09 Low
    Full details:
    2903 hits

  • Firebreaks/Greenbreaks

    Gaps in vegetation or other combustible material that act as barriers to prevent and/ or control the spreading of forest fires to other areas.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Plantation; afforestation, tree generation
    Land degradation Biological degradation; detrimental effects of fire
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control fires; reduction of dry materials (fuel for wildfires)

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing of Cogon in the firelines; Planting of kakawate cuttings. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 1,250 P/ha. Maintenance: 500 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.11 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.16 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.86 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.36 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.49 Low
    Full details:
    1665 hits

  • Ecological engineering for irrigated lowland rice ecosystem

    Ecological engineering for lowland rice ecosystem by promoting and planting of flower strips in rice fields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual; water use rights- communal (organised)
    Landuse Annual cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Biological degradation: increase of pests/diseases, lost of predators
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Others (Annual Flower Strips; Prevention and Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Biological control reduces pollution by agro-chemicals

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Flowering plant seed collection; flowering plant nursery establishment; transplanting flowering plants. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 4,730P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure - 1,600 P/ha; Total Cost - 6,330 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Flowering plant maintenance, i.e. trimming, removal of volunteer seedlings out of the strips and thinning during cropping season; Watering and replacement in times of long drought fallow period. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 1,880 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.08 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.87 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.64 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.64 High
    Full details:
    1384 hits

  • Sediment Traps

    "Catch basin, silt traps, cascading canals, trenches, ditches"

    Sediment traps are structures built in the area which includes cascading catchment canal, silt traps and catch basin along perimeter, between pineapple fields and along diversion ditches to collect run-off during rains, preventing and minimizing the eroded soils cascading into natural bodies of water.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley floors
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody: Other: waterways, drainage lines, ponds, dams (after)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Cascading canals and Silt Traps); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Sediment retention/trapping, sediment harvesting; Control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activiteis: Excavation of canal; construction of bed; constructiobn of trenches. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 2,530 P/ha; Equipment - 3,360 P/ha. Maintenance activities: Desilting. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - P7,300 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.33 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.12 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.79 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.60 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.84 Low
    Full details:
    1725 hits

  • Contour Straight Block Layout

    It is a package of soil and water conservation technology that integrates contouring, bedding, and blocking.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody (herbaceous)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Bedding, harrowing, Mulching, Planting materials (pineapple); plowing, construction of vegetative strips (laid out during the land preparation). Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 6,720 P/ha; Equipment (machine use) - 10, 580/ P/ha; Agricultural inputs: planting materials (pineapple) - 10, 200 P/ha; Total Cost - 27, 205 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost: Labor - 13,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.70 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.40 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.23 Medium
    Full details:
    1037 hits

  • Modified Rapid Composting

    Modified Rapid Composting is the in situ decomposition of rice straw using compost fungus activator, Trichoderma harzianum or Effective Microorganism, help in utilizing the residual Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) from the decomposed rice straw.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping; full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitigation /Reduction
    Technical function increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling); - increase in organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance and recurrent activties: Labor for spreading rice straws - 1,300P/ha/year; Spraying of effective microorganism solution - 700 P/ha-year; Total - 2,000P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.04 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.81 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.49 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    2983 hits

  • Compact Farming for Vegetables Production

    Landusers are organized into a group or association to undertake jointly activities in the farm which include operation, input procurement, and marketing of produced crops.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 - 1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform footslopes to hillslopes
    Slope moderate to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1 ; 1- 2
    Land tenure communal, organised
    Landuse Annual cropping Mixed: Agroforestry (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) mixed rainfed - irrigated
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, acidification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Clearing of the area. Establisment cost: 10,400 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: Plowing, harrowing, establishment of Plots, Organic Fertilizer Application; transplanting, watering spraying of botanical pesticide, and harvesting. Maintenance and recurrent costs: Labor - 11, 400 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings and fertilizers) - 7,850 P/ha. Total - 19,290 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.14 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.77 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.55 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.12 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.58 Medium
    Full details:
    1863 hits

  • Sweet Potato Relay Cropping

    "Lapat System"

    A farmer’s indigenous practice of growing sweet potato as a relay crop to its main crop of either rice or corn.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope rolling -hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50 -1
    Land tenure Individual; mixed land ownership
    Landuse Annual cropping; rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment Agronomic: Vegetation/soil cover; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function control of raindrop splash - improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Agricultural inputs (corn seeds, rice seeds, sweet potato cuttings) - 5,100 P/ha; Maintenance and recurrent costs: clearing, plowing, harrowing, furrowing and planting of corn, rice and sweet potato. and spraying - 18,400 P/ha-year; Agricultural (insecticides) - 500 P/ha-year. Total 18,900 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.02 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.43 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.51 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.95 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.91 Low
    Full details:
    1679 hits

  • Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

    Intensifying the irrigated rice production while at the same time reducing farm inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and water.

    Location lowland; upland and hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100 ; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1 -2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management: Major change in timing of activities Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility. Prevention & Mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting of rice seeds, raising of ducks. Establishment cost of inputs: Ducks - 8,300 P/ha; rice seeds - 900 P/ha. Total - 9,200 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: fertilizer application (compost); harvesting; weeding; first plowing; spraying of natural concoctions; organic fertilizer application; clearing; transplanting; second plowing. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and costs: Labor - 10,026 P/ha-year; Equipment - 6,200 P/ha-year; Fertilizers - 3,100 P/ha-year. Total - 19,326 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.99 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.75 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.39 Medium
    Full details:
    1230 hits

  • Composting using Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)

    Composting is the natural process of decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms under controlled conditions.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) cropping Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrigation
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…); improvement of topsoil structure (compaction); increase of infiltration

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Inputs: Procurement of sprayer, shredder, seedling pots and trays; establishment of composite chamber (shed) - 115,500 P/unit. Maintenance and recurrent activities -Hauling of grass and weeds available in the farm; Shredding of grass and weeds; Spraying the shredded grass and weeds with indigenous microorganisms (IMO); Leave for 14 days to decompose; Application of Compost. Labor - 2,600P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.96 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.71 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.25 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.43 Medium
    Full details:
    5010 hits

  • Organic Mulching

    Organic mulching is a practice of applying thin layer of organic materials on the soil surface that decompose over time for the purpose of conserving soil moisture, reducing soil erosion, improving soil fertility, and reducing weed growth.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrig
    Land degradation Water degradation: aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment; Organic matter/ soil fertility; Vegetation/soil cover; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function control of raindrop splash ; improvement of ground cover; - increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs: Shredder (Machine) - 104,400 P/unit; Sprayer - 1,000 P/unit. Maintenance/recurrent activities (hauling of grasses and weeds available in the farm, shredding of grasses and weeds, spreading of shredded grasses and weeds to the soil surface,spraying of IMO to the shredded grasses): Labor - 2,800 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.54 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.30 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.05 Medium
    Full details:
    1532 hits

  • Sugar Mill Wastewater Re-use for Irrigation

    Re-using of wastewater to support agricultural crop production, as well as, to help in environmental protection

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plain
    Slope flat to gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level
    Land holding/hh (ha) 500-1000
    Land tenure company
    Landuse Annual Cropping; cropland
    Land degradation Water degradation: decline of surface water quality
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural measures: sanitation/wastewater structures; management measures-waste management
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; protect wateshed/downstream areas

    Establishment input and cost per ha Not available
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.00 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.50 Medium
    Full details:
    1486 hits

  • Highly Diversified Cropping in Live Trellis System

    "Kakawate as live trellis "balag""

    Gliricidia sepium locally known as "kakawate" served as live trellis / or anchorage for annual crops (mostly creeping-type vegetables) and erosion control measure. The technology is well-adopted in the community providing immediate food for the farmers and increased income due to diversified farming.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000 -2000
    Landform footslopes and mountainslopes
    Slope hilly to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 51-80; moderately deep; medium to high fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure individual
    Landuse Annual cropping: cropland; Mixed (crops/grazing) incl agroforestry
    Land degradation Soil erosio by water: loss of topsoil/surface erosion; offsite degradation effects
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures - Vegetation/ soil cover, Organic matter/ soil fertility, : Soil surface treatment. Vegetative measures - V1: Tree and shrub cover
    Technical function Improve production; prevent and reduce land degradation; preserve and improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Manual labor for weeding, planting, fertilizer applicatio, harvesting and hauling - P3,600/ha; Planting materials - P2,550/ha; Fertilizers and biocides - P10,030/ha; Construction materials - P3,880; Total cost - P20, 060. Maintenance activities: Labor for weeding, trimming of kakawate, application of ferilizers, spraying - P4,500/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.20 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.00 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.50 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1159 hits

  • Mangroves as Buffer against Natural Hazards


    Mangroves "bakauan" are planted in the island coast to form barriers and as first line of defense during storm surges.

    Location coastal area
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 0.00- 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500 - 2,000
    Landform Coast
    Slope 0-2
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level Low
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure State
    Landuse Forest/woodlands; crustaceans breeding ground
    Land degradation Reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetatative measures; prevent land degradation
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; preserve improve biodiversity; reduce disaster; adapt to CC; mitigate CC

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Labor - P2500/ha; Planting materials - P5000/ha; Total Cost -P7500. Maintenance and Recurrent Activities: Labor - P750/ha; Replanting materials - P250/ha; Total - P1,000/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.60 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.60 Medium
    Full details:
    954 hits

  • Conservation Tillage Practices for Corn Production

    "Tipid Saka"

    A crop production system which focuses on soil conservation and reducing excessive tillage operations, reduces labor and farm inputs while increasing productivity and profitability.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure untitledland (leased)
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical Soil Deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures: Prevention and mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increased soil fertility and good soil structure for better nutrient and water uptake by plants

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment input and cost per ha: Labor - 6,950 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides, Bio-N) - 4,400 P/ha; Others (post harvest, market transport and packaging) - 10,810 P/ha. Total Cost - 22,160 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.83 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.84 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.52 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.86 Medium
    Full details:
    1890 hits

  • Natural Vegetative Strips (NVS)

    Within individual cropland plots, strips of land are marked out on the contour and left unploughed in order to form permanent, cross-slope barriers of naturally established grasses and herbs.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 -1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-80; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-20
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, trees and shrubs: rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion; gully erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter.
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; control of dispersed runoff; increase infiltration and increase soil fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establisment activities: Lay out of contour using A-frame; placing wooden pegs along contours; seeding; transplanting; land preparation. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1000 P/ha; Equiipment (animal traction, tools, and stakes) - 3,300 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 13,300 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Plowing along the contour leaving unplowed strips; planting; mulching; fertilization, interim cultivation/weeding; plowing mulch into the soil; weeding slashing grass; spreading the cut materials evenly in the alleys; pruning. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor -1,700 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction, tools) - 1,980 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,500 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 11,180 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.56 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.95 Medium
    Full details:
    1833 hits

  • In 'situ' Decomposition of Banana Stalk

    "Palata System"

    Leaving the trunk of a newly harvested banana standing beside a follower plant to provide nutrients and moisture especially during period of drought.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat-gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 2-5; 500-1,000
    Land tenure company leased
    Landuse Perennial (non-woody) cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil detrioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, water degradation; aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility; Increase/maintain water stored in the soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance/recurrent activities: 1) Cutting of crown of newly harvested plants; Inputs: Labor - 2,350 P/ha-year; Equipment - cutting tools - 500 P/ha-year; Total Cost - 2,850P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.63 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.02 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.65 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.99 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.29 Low
    Full details:
    1468 hits

  • Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP)

    Development of micro-catchment for soil and water conservation and for the provision of supplementary irrigation during the dry season.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120 ; >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; perennial crop
    Land degradation Water degradation, aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting nd increase water supply

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing, staking and laying out; Stripping and excavation; embankment filling; pipe lay out and installation; riprapping; concrete works, embankment sodding; and canal excavation and lining. Establishment inputs and cost per ha of service area: Labor - 105,000 P/ha; Materials - 99,000 P/ha; 96,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 300,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent costs (Embankment maintenance, appurtenant structures maintenance, canal maintenance): Labor - 12,000 P/ha-year; Minor equipment - 3,000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 15,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.26 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.62 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.04 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.97 High
    Full details:
    7438 hits

  • Small Farm Reservoir (SFR)


    The Small Farm Rerservoir is an earth dam structure used to trap harvest and store rainfall and water runoff.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plains/hillslopes
    Slope rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; low organic matter content
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation soil erosion and excessive runoff; limited water supply
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures: Prevention and rhabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting/ increase water supply; Control dispersed runoff, retain/trapped; contol concentrated runoff: retain/trap.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Laying-out & staking; 2) Clearing; 3) Excavation; 4) Spreading of fill materials; 5) Embankment filling and compaction; 6) pipe laying out and setting; and 7) canal/spillway construction. Total construction cost - 40,000 - 100,000 P/unit.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.40 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.96 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.97 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    3280 hits

  • Multi-Storey Cropping

    "Maramihang Pagtatanim or Planting in Great Numbers"

    Cultivating a mixture of crops with different heights (multi-storey) and growth characteristics which together optimise the use of soil, moisture and space.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes, ridges, and plateau/plain
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Agroforestry, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of top soil/surface runoff; chemical soil deterioration; fertilit decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Control raindrop splash; improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment actvities: Planting of tallest storey (coconut); Planting of lowest storey (pineapple); Planting of lowest storey continued (root crops); Planting of middle storey (coffe and banana). Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 7,000 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction and farm tools) - 4, 230 P/ha; Agricultural (seedlings, fertilizer, biocides, compost/manure) - 54,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 65,230 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,100 P/ha-year; Agricultural (fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.40 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.97 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.98 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    16.56 High
    Full details:
    4240 hits

  • Residue Incorporation (Corn)

    "Palugdang", "Palata"

    Incorporation of corn stalks during land preparation for the succeeding crop.

    Location upland to hillyland and highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-3000
    Landform footslopes- hillslopes; plateau/plains
    Slope gentle-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50 - > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-5
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline; and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility and organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Equiipment (animal traction) - 1,500 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,700 P/ha; Others (planting, Harvesting, Maintenance) - 4,500 P/ha; Total cost - 13,700 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.56 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.04 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.98 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.16 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.74 Low
    Full details:
    1078 hits

  • Planted Vegetative Strips (PVS)

    Planting of economic crops/forages in strips along the contour to control soil loss through erosion.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-2000
    Landform hillslopes; plateaus/plains
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control; dispersed runoff; imped and retard

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Planting of Alley crops; contouring; planting of vegetative strips. Establishment inputs and costs: Labor - 950 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction) - 600 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds and seedlings) - 5,300 P/ha. Total Cost - 6,850 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.69 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.94 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.53 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.97 Medium
    Full details:
    786 hits

  • Windbreaks

    Planting of herbaceous plants or trees along property boundaries to serve as windbreaks and as sources of fodder and fuel.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse agro-silvo pastoralism, rainfed
    Land degradation soil erosion by wind, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Reduction in wind speed

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha (seeding /planting): Labor - 1,880 P/ha'; Tools - 250 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedling, stem cuttings) - 800 P/ha. Total Cost - 2,930 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Removal of dead branches (trees); Cutting of grasses. Maintenance/recurrent cost per ha per year: Labor - 700 P/ha-year; Minor tools - 300 P/ha; Total recurrent cost - 1,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.57 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.44 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.32 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.99 Low
    Full details:
    1897 hits

  • Rainfed paddy rice terraces


    Terraces supporting rainfed paddy rice on steep mountain slopes: these have been in existence for more than a thousand years.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1500-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope hilly - steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha)
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Bench Terraces); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; increase/maintain water stored in the soil; reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; indirect maintenance of fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Levelling by moving soil from upslope to the downslope part; construction of bunds (lip at the terrace ridge) of about 50-100 cm; determination of contour lines. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 115,000 P/ha; Equipment - 10,000 P/ha; Total cost - 125,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding by cutting grasses on the bund/riser using hand tools, hoeing; Land preparation by puddling, in most cases the use of animal traction is not possible because of the steepness of the slope and height of the risers; Repairing breached portion of the bunds, adding few centimeters in the process. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 3,000 P/ha-year; Equipment (farm tools) - 1000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 4,000 P/ha-year. Remarks: The costs of establishment are just estimates as new terrace construction no longer takes place in the study area. The land has already been terraced for centuries. The maintenance costs assumes minor and light maintenance and does not include major repairs of bunds.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.91 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.69 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1039 hits

  • Stone bunds and small basins

    "Pamugong sa yuta (Cebuano)"

    Piling of stones and rocks along the contour to control run-off and soil erosion. It is also about the creation of small basins by removing stones and using them as barriers.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500-2,000
    Landform hill slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Surface soil erosion, top soil removal
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation and rehabilitation
    Technical function control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; gathering and piling of stones along contour with development of small basin for rainwater impoundment. Establishment inputs and cost per ha. Labor - 47,000 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1,800 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.46 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.15 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.47 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.58 Low
    Full details:
    899 hits

  • Vetiver grass system or Vetiver grass technology

    "Mora, Moras, Amora and Modas in the different regions in the Philippines"

    Vetiver grass used as contour hedgerows in sloping agricultural land used for annual crops.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80 ; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping rainfed
    Land degradation Surface erosion by water, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mtigation and prevention
    Technical function control dispersed runoff, retain top soil; reduction of slope length

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting vertiver grass along contour; Replacement/replanting gaps. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 2,350 P/ha; Seedlings - 4,700 P/ha; Total Cost - 7,050 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pruning. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.38 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.14 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.77 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.80 Low
    Full details:
    1627 hits

  • Littuko Growing for Forest Enhancement

    Growing of rattan is done by upland farmers as part of the Community Based Forest Management (CBFM).

    Location upland to hillyland and higland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope hilly to steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure communal, organized
    Landuse Natural;; Other: Grazing land; forest
    Land degradation Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitat
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Promotion of vegetation species and varieties; conservation of trees that serve as hosts; increase organic matter; increase biomass

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Nursery establishment through seedbed; transplanting. Establishment per unit: Labor - 400 P/unit; Agricultural inputs (incl. seeds) - 10,400 P/ha; Total Cost -10,800/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.65 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.48 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.39 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.45 Medium
    Full details:
    1637 hits

  • Rockwall Terracing

    Rockwall terracing refers to the piling of stones or rocks along contour lines to reduce soil erosion in hilly areas.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; mixed grazing land, rainfed and irrigated
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/surface runoff
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Strucutural Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; retain /trap; control concentrated runoff: retain trap; control soil erosion

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; Digging along contour; Gathering and piling of stones along contour. Establishment inpputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 37,800 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha; Total cost - 38,800 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent of activities: Re-piling of stones and rocks that are dislodged. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per unit (ha) per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.30 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.19 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.28 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.43 Low
    Full details:
    1217 hits

  • Seed Production of Multipurpose Shrubs/Legumes

    Seed production of multipurpose shrubs and legumes, a soil conservation practice in sloping areas wherein flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) and Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) are densely planted along contours.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs cropping: Forests/woodlands: natural cropland
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/ surface runoff; chemical deterioraton-fertlity decline; biological degradation
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff-retain/trap; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap; improvement of ground cover; promotion of vegetation species and varieties

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Land preparation; Plowing, harrowing and furrowing; Establishment of contour lines and laying out. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 2,300 P/ha; Equipment (bamboo pegs) - 150 P/ha; Seeds - 2,100 P/ha; Total Cost - 4,550 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding/hilling-up; Harvesting; Sun drying; Manual threshing; Harvesting of Flemengia and Indigofera. Maintenance/recurrent costs: Labor - 2,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.06 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.47 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.41 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.89 Medium
    Full details:
    960 hits

  • Contour Farming Using Hedgerows

    "Contour Farming"

    Contour farming is a technology practiced in sloping areas in which hedgerows are established along the contours and other annual/cash crops are grown in the alleys between the hedges.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) < 0.50
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/ surface erosion; chemical deterioration; fertillity decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Conrol of dispersed runoff: retain/trap; minimize soil erosion due to runoff; serve as soil nutrient traps

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Laying out and establishment of contour lines/hedges; Planting of hedgerows with Napier grass; Planting of perennial crops along contour. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 1,350 P/ha; Local materials (A-frame) - 100 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings, herbecides) - 4,400 P/ha; Total cost - 5,850 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation of alley between hedges; furrowing; planting of corn (first cropping); Weeding; Harvesting of first crop; Planting of second crop (corn & peanut; Weeding; Harvesting of second crop. Maitenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,950 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction)/ - 300 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds and fertilizer) - 2,200 P/ha-year: Total maintenance cost - 4,450 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.76 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.90 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.77 High
    Full details:
    3296 hits

  • Vegetable Terracing

    Vegetable terracing is a technology practiced at which point terraces are established from the contours along mountain slope for crop production.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 2000-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50;low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, Forest/woodlandrest/woodlands
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Structural Measures; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Control of dspersed runoff: impede/retart; control concentrated runoff: impede/retard; reduction of slope angle

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Establishment of terraces. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 25,100 P/ha; Minor tools - 600 P/ha; Total cost - 25,700 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation; application of chicken manure; Planting; hilling up including application of fertilizer; Weeding; Spraying of insecticides; Harvesting. Maintenance/recurrent costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,570 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure, insecticides) - 43,300 P/ha-year. Total maintenance/recurrent costs - 57,870 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.16 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.88 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.82 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.56 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.42 Medium
    Full details:
    1492 hits

  • Alternate Wetting and Drying

    Alternate Wetting and Drying is a water-use management technique wherein irrigation water input could be substantially reduced to as much as 35% without significantly affecting rice yields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plain
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual Cropping, irrigated
    Land degradation Water degradation, change in quantity of surface water
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management Measures- Major changes in timing of activities; Prevention
    Technical function More efficient water use

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Preparation of PVC/bamboo tubes; 2) Perforating the sides of the tubes with many holes; Establishment inputs and cost per unit: Labor - 160 P/pc; Materials: PVC - 210 P/pc; Total Cost - 370P/pc
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.88 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.92 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.59 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.72 Medium
    Full details:
    1971 hits

  • Trees as Buffer Zones

    Trees as buffer zones are vegetative measures established in the area to prevent pest from crossing in between blocks. Further, the technology provides haven for flora and fauna which are endemic in the area.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mitigation and prevention
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; stabilization of soil; reduction in wind speed; increase biomass; spatial arrangement and diversification of land use; improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Grass Brushing; Hole Digging; Planting. Establishment inputs: Labor - 5,500 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost per hac per year: Labor - 3,700 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.63 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.66 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.17 Medium
    Full details:
    1381 hits

  • Pressing of Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica)

    An indigenous technology of enhancing wildling growth by pressing of cogon grass.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Natural; Deforested Land
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Enhance the growth of wildling by controlling the growth of fast-growing grasses (cogon); control/avoid forest fires

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Identification of wildlings (2 feet high); Ring weeding; Pressing of cogon away from wildlings; Application of fertilizers. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 950 P/ha; Construction material (wood and rope) - 200 P/ha; Total Cost - P 1,150 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pressing of Cogon (Labor) - 210 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    2.68 Negligible
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    2.52 Negligible
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.22 Low
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.67 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    11.09 Low
    Full details:
    2903 hits

  • Firebreaks/Greenbreaks

    Gaps in vegetation or other combustible material that act as barriers to prevent and/ or control the spreading of forest fires to other areas.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Plantation; afforestation, tree generation
    Land degradation Biological degradation; detrimental effects of fire
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control fires; reduction of dry materials (fuel for wildfires)

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing of Cogon in the firelines; Planting of kakawate cuttings. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 1,250 P/ha. Maintenance: 500 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.11 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.16 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.86 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.36 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.49 Low
    Full details:
    1665 hits

  • Ecological engineering for irrigated lowland rice ecosystem

    Ecological engineering for lowland rice ecosystem by promoting and planting of flower strips in rice fields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual; water use rights- communal (organised)
    Landuse Annual cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Biological degradation: increase of pests/diseases, lost of predators
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Others (Annual Flower Strips; Prevention and Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Biological control reduces pollution by agro-chemicals

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Flowering plant seed collection; flowering plant nursery establishment; transplanting flowering plants. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 4,730P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure - 1,600 P/ha; Total Cost - 6,330 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Flowering plant maintenance, i.e. trimming, removal of volunteer seedlings out of the strips and thinning during cropping season; Watering and replacement in times of long drought fallow period. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 1,880 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.08 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.87 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.64 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.64 High
    Full details:
    1384 hits

  • Sediment Traps

    "Catch basin, silt traps, cascading canals, trenches, ditches"

    Sediment traps are structures built in the area which includes cascading catchment canal, silt traps and catch basin along perimeter, between pineapple fields and along diversion ditches to collect run-off during rains, preventing and minimizing the eroded soils cascading into natural bodies of water.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley floors
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody: Other: waterways, drainage lines, ponds, dams (after)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Cascading canals and Silt Traps); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Sediment retention/trapping, sediment harvesting; Control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activiteis: Excavation of canal; construction of bed; constructiobn of trenches. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 2,530 P/ha; Equipment - 3,360 P/ha. Maintenance activities: Desilting. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - P7,300 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.33 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.12 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.79 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.60 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.84 Low
    Full details:
    1725 hits

  • Contour Straight Block Layout

    It is a package of soil and water conservation technology that integrates contouring, bedding, and blocking.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody (herbaceous)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Bedding, harrowing, Mulching, Planting materials (pineapple); plowing, construction of vegetative strips (laid out during the land preparation). Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 6,720 P/ha; Equipment (machine use) - 10, 580/ P/ha; Agricultural inputs: planting materials (pineapple) - 10, 200 P/ha; Total Cost - 27, 205 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost: Labor - 13,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.70 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.40 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.23 Medium
    Full details:
    1037 hits

  • Modified Rapid Composting

    Modified Rapid Composting is the in situ decomposition of rice straw using compost fungus activator, Trichoderma harzianum or Effective Microorganism, help in utilizing the residual Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) from the decomposed rice straw.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping; full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitigation /Reduction
    Technical function increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling); - increase in organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance and recurrent activties: Labor for spreading rice straws - 1,300P/ha/year; Spraying of effective microorganism solution - 700 P/ha-year; Total - 2,000P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.04 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.81 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.49 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    2983 hits

  • Compact Farming for Vegetables Production

    Landusers are organized into a group or association to undertake jointly activities in the farm which include operation, input procurement, and marketing of produced crops.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 - 1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform footslopes to hillslopes
    Slope moderate to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1 ; 1- 2
    Land tenure communal, organised
    Landuse Annual cropping Mixed: Agroforestry (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) mixed rainfed - irrigated
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, acidification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Clearing of the area. Establisment cost: 10,400 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: Plowing, harrowing, establishment of Plots, Organic Fertilizer Application; transplanting, watering spraying of botanical pesticide, and harvesting. Maintenance and recurrent costs: Labor - 11, 400 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings and fertilizers) - 7,850 P/ha. Total - 19,290 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.14 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.77 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.55 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.12 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.58 Medium
    Full details:
    1863 hits

  • Sweet Potato Relay Cropping

    "Lapat System"

    A farmer’s indigenous practice of growing sweet potato as a relay crop to its main crop of either rice or corn.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope rolling -hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50 -1
    Land tenure Individual; mixed land ownership
    Landuse Annual cropping; rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment Agronomic: Vegetation/soil cover; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function control of raindrop splash - improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Agricultural inputs (corn seeds, rice seeds, sweet potato cuttings) - 5,100 P/ha; Maintenance and recurrent costs: clearing, plowing, harrowing, furrowing and planting of corn, rice and sweet potato. and spraying - 18,400 P/ha-year; Agricultural (insecticides) - 500 P/ha-year. Total 18,900 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.02 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.43 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.51 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.95 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.91 Low
    Full details:
    1679 hits

  • Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

    Intensifying the irrigated rice production while at the same time reducing farm inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and water.

    Location lowland; upland and hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100 ; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1 -2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management: Major change in timing of activities Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility. Prevention & Mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting of rice seeds, raising of ducks. Establishment cost of inputs: Ducks - 8,300 P/ha; rice seeds - 900 P/ha. Total - 9,200 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: fertilizer application (compost); harvesting; weeding; first plowing; spraying of natural concoctions; organic fertilizer application; clearing; transplanting; second plowing. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and costs: Labor - 10,026 P/ha-year; Equipment - 6,200 P/ha-year; Fertilizers - 3,100 P/ha-year. Total - 19,326 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.99 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.75 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.39 Medium
    Full details:
    1230 hits

  • Composting using Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)

    Composting is the natural process of decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms under controlled conditions.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) cropping Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrigation
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…); improvement of topsoil structure (compaction); increase of infiltration

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Inputs: Procurement of sprayer, shredder, seedling pots and trays; establishment of composite chamber (shed) - 115,500 P/unit. Maintenance and recurrent activities -Hauling of grass and weeds available in the farm; Shredding of grass and weeds; Spraying the shredded grass and weeds with indigenous microorganisms (IMO); Leave for 14 days to decompose; Application of Compost. Labor - 2,600P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.96 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.71 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.25 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.43 Medium
    Full details:
    5010 hits

  • Organic Mulching

    Organic mulching is a practice of applying thin layer of organic materials on the soil surface that decompose over time for the purpose of conserving soil moisture, reducing soil erosion, improving soil fertility, and reducing weed growth.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrig
    Land degradation Water degradation: aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment; Organic matter/ soil fertility; Vegetation/soil cover; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function control of raindrop splash ; improvement of ground cover; - increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs: Shredder (Machine) - 104,400 P/unit; Sprayer - 1,000 P/unit. Maintenance/recurrent activities (hauling of grasses and weeds available in the farm, shredding of grasses and weeds, spreading of shredded grasses and weeds to the soil surface,spraying of IMO to the shredded grasses): Labor - 2,800 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.54 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.30 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.05 Medium
    Full details:
    1532 hits

  • Sugar Mill Wastewater Re-use for Irrigation

    Re-using of wastewater to support agricultural crop production, as well as, to help in environmental protection

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plain
    Slope flat to gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level
    Land holding/hh (ha) 500-1000
    Land tenure company
    Landuse Annual Cropping; cropland
    Land degradation Water degradation: decline of surface water quality
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural measures: sanitation/wastewater structures; management measures-waste management
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; protect wateshed/downstream areas

    Establishment input and cost per ha Not available
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.00 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.50 Medium
    Full details:
    1486 hits

  • Highly Diversified Cropping in Live Trellis System

    "Kakawate as live trellis "balag""

    Gliricidia sepium locally known as "kakawate" served as live trellis / or anchorage for annual crops (mostly creeping-type vegetables) and erosion control measure. The technology is well-adopted in the community providing immediate food for the farmers and increased income due to diversified farming.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000 -2000
    Landform footslopes and mountainslopes
    Slope hilly to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 51-80; moderately deep; medium to high fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure individual
    Landuse Annual cropping: cropland; Mixed (crops/grazing) incl agroforestry
    Land degradation Soil erosio by water: loss of topsoil/surface erosion; offsite degradation effects
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures - Vegetation/ soil cover, Organic matter/ soil fertility, : Soil surface treatment. Vegetative measures - V1: Tree and shrub cover
    Technical function Improve production; prevent and reduce land degradation; preserve and improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Manual labor for weeding, planting, fertilizer applicatio, harvesting and hauling - P3,600/ha; Planting materials - P2,550/ha; Fertilizers and biocides - P10,030/ha; Construction materials - P3,880; Total cost - P20, 060. Maintenance activities: Labor for weeding, trimming of kakawate, application of ferilizers, spraying - P4,500/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.20 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.00 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.50 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1159 hits

  • Mangroves as Buffer against Natural Hazards


    Mangroves "bakauan" are planted in the island coast to form barriers and as first line of defense during storm surges.

    Location coastal area
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 0.00- 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500 - 2,000
    Landform Coast
    Slope 0-2
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level Low
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure State
    Landuse Forest/woodlands; crustaceans breeding ground
    Land degradation Reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetatative measures; prevent land degradation
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; preserve improve biodiversity; reduce disaster; adapt to CC; mitigate CC

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Labor - P2500/ha; Planting materials - P5000/ha; Total Cost -P7500. Maintenance and Recurrent Activities: Labor - P750/ha; Replanting materials - P250/ha; Total - P1,000/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.60 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.60 Medium
    Full details:
    954 hits

  • Conservation Tillage Practices for Corn Production

    "Tipid Saka"

    A crop production system which focuses on soil conservation and reducing excessive tillage operations, reduces labor and farm inputs while increasing productivity and profitability.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure untitledland (leased)
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical Soil Deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures: Prevention and mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increased soil fertility and good soil structure for better nutrient and water uptake by plants

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment input and cost per ha: Labor - 6,950 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides, Bio-N) - 4,400 P/ha; Others (post harvest, market transport and packaging) - 10,810 P/ha. Total Cost - 22,160 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.83 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.84 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.52 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.86 Medium
    Full details:
    1890 hits

  • Natural Vegetative Strips (NVS)

    Within individual cropland plots, strips of land are marked out on the contour and left unploughed in order to form permanent, cross-slope barriers of naturally established grasses and herbs.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 -1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-80; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-20
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, trees and shrubs: rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion; gully erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter.
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; control of dispersed runoff; increase infiltration and increase soil fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establisment activities: Lay out of contour using A-frame; placing wooden pegs along contours; seeding; transplanting; land preparation. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1000 P/ha; Equiipment (animal traction, tools, and stakes) - 3,300 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 13,300 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Plowing along the contour leaving unplowed strips; planting; mulching; fertilization, interim cultivation/weeding; plowing mulch into the soil; weeding slashing grass; spreading the cut materials evenly in the alleys; pruning. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor -1,700 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction, tools) - 1,980 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,500 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 11,180 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.56 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.95 Medium
    Full details:
    1833 hits

  • In 'situ' Decomposition of Banana Stalk

    "Palata System"

    Leaving the trunk of a newly harvested banana standing beside a follower plant to provide nutrients and moisture especially during period of drought.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat-gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 2-5; 500-1,000
    Land tenure company leased
    Landuse Perennial (non-woody) cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil detrioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, water degradation; aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility; Increase/maintain water stored in the soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance/recurrent activities: 1) Cutting of crown of newly harvested plants; Inputs: Labor - 2,350 P/ha-year; Equipment - cutting tools - 500 P/ha-year; Total Cost - 2,850P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.63 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.02 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.65 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.99 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.29 Low
    Full details:
    1468 hits

  • Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP)

    Development of micro-catchment for soil and water conservation and for the provision of supplementary irrigation during the dry season.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120 ; >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; perennial crop
    Land degradation Water degradation, aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting nd increase water supply

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing, staking and laying out; Stripping and excavation; embankment filling; pipe lay out and installation; riprapping; concrete works, embankment sodding; and canal excavation and lining. Establishment inputs and cost per ha of service area: Labor - 105,000 P/ha; Materials - 99,000 P/ha; 96,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 300,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent costs (Embankment maintenance, appurtenant structures maintenance, canal maintenance): Labor - 12,000 P/ha-year; Minor equipment - 3,000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 15,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.26 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.62 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.04 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.97 High
    Full details:
    7438 hits

  • Small Farm Reservoir (SFR)


    The Small Farm Rerservoir is an earth dam structure used to trap harvest and store rainfall and water runoff.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plains/hillslopes
    Slope rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; low organic matter content
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation soil erosion and excessive runoff; limited water supply
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures: Prevention and rhabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting/ increase water supply; Control dispersed runoff, retain/trapped; contol concentrated runoff: retain/trap.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Laying-out & staking; 2) Clearing; 3) Excavation; 4) Spreading of fill materials; 5) Embankment filling and compaction; 6) pipe laying out and setting; and 7) canal/spillway construction. Total construction cost - 40,000 - 100,000 P/unit.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.40 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.96 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.97 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    3280 hits

  • Multi-Storey Cropping

    "Maramihang Pagtatanim or Planting in Great Numbers"

    Cultivating a mixture of crops with different heights (multi-storey) and growth characteristics which together optimise the use of soil, moisture and space.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes, ridges, and plateau/plain
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Agroforestry, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of top soil/surface runoff; chemical soil deterioration; fertilit decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Control raindrop splash; improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment actvities: Planting of tallest storey (coconut); Planting of lowest storey (pineapple); Planting of lowest storey continued (root crops); Planting of middle storey (coffe and banana). Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 7,000 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction and farm tools) - 4, 230 P/ha; Agricultural (seedlings, fertilizer, biocides, compost/manure) - 54,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 65,230 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,100 P/ha-year; Agricultural (fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.40 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.97 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.98 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    16.56 High
    Full details:
    4240 hits

  • Residue Incorporation (Corn)

    "Palugdang", "Palata"

    Incorporation of corn stalks during land preparation for the succeeding crop.

    Location upland to hillyland and highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-3000
    Landform footslopes- hillslopes; plateau/plains
    Slope gentle-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50 - > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-5
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline; and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility and organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Equiipment (animal traction) - 1,500 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,700 P/ha; Others (planting, Harvesting, Maintenance) - 4,500 P/ha; Total cost - 13,700 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.56 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.04 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.98 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.16 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.74 Low
    Full details:
    1078 hits

  • Planted Vegetative Strips (PVS)

    Planting of economic crops/forages in strips along the contour to control soil loss through erosion.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-2000
    Landform hillslopes; plateaus/plains
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control; dispersed runoff; imped and retard

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Planting of Alley crops; contouring; planting of vegetative strips. Establishment inputs and costs: Labor - 950 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction) - 600 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds and seedlings) - 5,300 P/ha. Total Cost - 6,850 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.69 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.94 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.53 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.97 Medium
    Full details:
    786 hits

  • Windbreaks

    Planting of herbaceous plants or trees along property boundaries to serve as windbreaks and as sources of fodder and fuel.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse agro-silvo pastoralism, rainfed
    Land degradation soil erosion by wind, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Reduction in wind speed

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha (seeding /planting): Labor - 1,880 P/ha'; Tools - 250 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedling, stem cuttings) - 800 P/ha. Total Cost - 2,930 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Removal of dead branches (trees); Cutting of grasses. Maintenance/recurrent cost per ha per year: Labor - 700 P/ha-year; Minor tools - 300 P/ha; Total recurrent cost - 1,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.57 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.44 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.32 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.99 Low
    Full details:
    1897 hits

  • Rainfed paddy rice terraces


    Terraces supporting rainfed paddy rice on steep mountain slopes: these have been in existence for more than a thousand years.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1500-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope hilly - steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha)
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Bench Terraces); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; increase/maintain water stored in the soil; reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; indirect maintenance of fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Levelling by moving soil from upslope to the downslope part; construction of bunds (lip at the terrace ridge) of about 50-100 cm; determination of contour lines. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 115,000 P/ha; Equipment - 10,000 P/ha; Total cost - 125,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding by cutting grasses on the bund/riser using hand tools, hoeing; Land preparation by puddling, in most cases the use of animal traction is not possible because of the steepness of the slope and height of the risers; Repairing breached portion of the bunds, adding few centimeters in the process. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 3,000 P/ha-year; Equipment (farm tools) - 1000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 4,000 P/ha-year. Remarks: The costs of establishment are just estimates as new terrace construction no longer takes place in the study area. The land has already been terraced for centuries. The maintenance costs assumes minor and light maintenance and does not include major repairs of bunds.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.91 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.69 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1039 hits

  • Stone bunds and small basins

    "Pamugong sa yuta (Cebuano)"

    Piling of stones and rocks along the contour to control run-off and soil erosion. It is also about the creation of small basins by removing stones and using them as barriers.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500-2,000
    Landform hill slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Surface soil erosion, top soil removal
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation and rehabilitation
    Technical function control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; gathering and piling of stones along contour with development of small basin for rainwater impoundment. Establishment inputs and cost per ha. Labor - 47,000 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1,800 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.46 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.15 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.47 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.58 Low
    Full details:
    899 hits

  • Vetiver grass system or Vetiver grass technology

    "Mora, Moras, Amora and Modas in the different regions in the Philippines"

    Vetiver grass used as contour hedgerows in sloping agricultural land used for annual crops.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80 ; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping rainfed
    Land degradation Surface erosion by water, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mtigation and prevention
    Technical function control dispersed runoff, retain top soil; reduction of slope length

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting vertiver grass along contour; Replacement/replanting gaps. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 2,350 P/ha; Seedlings - 4,700 P/ha; Total Cost - 7,050 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pruning. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.38 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.14 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.77 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.80 Low
    Full details:
    1627 hits

  • Littuko Growing for Forest Enhancement

    Growing of rattan is done by upland farmers as part of the Community Based Forest Management (CBFM).

    Location upland to hillyland and higland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope hilly to steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure communal, organized
    Landuse Natural;; Other: Grazing land; forest
    Land degradation Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitat
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Promotion of vegetation species and varieties; conservation of trees that serve as hosts; increase organic matter; increase biomass

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Nursery establishment through seedbed; transplanting. Establishment per unit: Labor - 400 P/unit; Agricultural inputs (incl. seeds) - 10,400 P/ha; Total Cost -10,800/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.65 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.48 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.39 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.45 Medium
    Full details:
    1637 hits

  • Rockwall Terracing

    Rockwall terracing refers to the piling of stones or rocks along contour lines to reduce soil erosion in hilly areas.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; mixed grazing land, rainfed and irrigated
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/surface runoff
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Strucutural Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; retain /trap; control concentrated runoff: retain trap; control soil erosion

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; Digging along contour; Gathering and piling of stones along contour. Establishment inpputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 37,800 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha; Total cost - 38,800 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent of activities: Re-piling of stones and rocks that are dislodged. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per unit (ha) per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.30 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.19 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.28 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.43 Low
    Full details:
    1217 hits

  • Seed Production of Multipurpose Shrubs/Legumes

    Seed production of multipurpose shrubs and legumes, a soil conservation practice in sloping areas wherein flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) and Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) are densely planted along contours.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs cropping: Forests/woodlands: natural cropland
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/ surface runoff; chemical deterioraton-fertlity decline; biological degradation
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff-retain/trap; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap; improvement of ground cover; promotion of vegetation species and varieties

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Land preparation; Plowing, harrowing and furrowing; Establishment of contour lines and laying out. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 2,300 P/ha; Equipment (bamboo pegs) - 150 P/ha; Seeds - 2,100 P/ha; Total Cost - 4,550 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding/hilling-up; Harvesting; Sun drying; Manual threshing; Harvesting of Flemengia and Indigofera. Maintenance/recurrent costs: Labor - 2,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.06 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.47 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.41 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.89 Medium
    Full details:
    960 hits

  • Contour Farming Using Hedgerows

    "Contour Farming"

    Contour farming is a technology practiced in sloping areas in which hedgerows are established along the contours and other annual/cash crops are grown in the alleys between the hedges.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) < 0.50
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/ surface erosion; chemical deterioration; fertillity decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Conrol of dispersed runoff: retain/trap; minimize soil erosion due to runoff; serve as soil nutrient traps

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Laying out and establishment of contour lines/hedges; Planting of hedgerows with Napier grass; Planting of perennial crops along contour. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 1,350 P/ha; Local materials (A-frame) - 100 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings, herbecides) - 4,400 P/ha; Total cost - 5,850 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation of alley between hedges; furrowing; planting of corn (first cropping); Weeding; Harvesting of first crop; Planting of second crop (corn & peanut; Weeding; Harvesting of second crop. Maitenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,950 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction)/ - 300 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds and fertilizer) - 2,200 P/ha-year: Total maintenance cost - 4,450 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.76 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.90 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.77 High
    Full details:
    3296 hits

  • Vegetable Terracing

    Vegetable terracing is a technology practiced at which point terraces are established from the contours along mountain slope for crop production.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 2000-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50;low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, Forest/woodlandrest/woodlands
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Structural Measures; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Control of dspersed runoff: impede/retart; control concentrated runoff: impede/retard; reduction of slope angle

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Establishment of terraces. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 25,100 P/ha; Minor tools - 600 P/ha; Total cost - 25,700 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation; application of chicken manure; Planting; hilling up including application of fertilizer; Weeding; Spraying of insecticides; Harvesting. Maintenance/recurrent costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,570 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure, insecticides) - 43,300 P/ha-year. Total maintenance/recurrent costs - 57,870 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.16 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.88 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.82 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.56 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.42 Medium
    Full details:
    1492 hits

  • Alternate Wetting and Drying

    Alternate Wetting and Drying is a water-use management technique wherein irrigation water input could be substantially reduced to as much as 35% without significantly affecting rice yields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plain
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual Cropping, irrigated
    Land degradation Water degradation, change in quantity of surface water
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management Measures- Major changes in timing of activities; Prevention
    Technical function More efficient water use

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Preparation of PVC/bamboo tubes; 2) Perforating the sides of the tubes with many holes; Establishment inputs and cost per unit: Labor - 160 P/pc; Materials: PVC - 210 P/pc; Total Cost - 370P/pc
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.88 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.92 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.59 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.72 Medium
    Full details:
    1971 hits

  • Trees as Buffer Zones

    Trees as buffer zones are vegetative measures established in the area to prevent pest from crossing in between blocks. Further, the technology provides haven for flora and fauna which are endemic in the area.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mitigation and prevention
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; stabilization of soil; reduction in wind speed; increase biomass; spatial arrangement and diversification of land use; improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Grass Brushing; Hole Digging; Planting. Establishment inputs: Labor - 5,500 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost per hac per year: Labor - 3,700 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.63 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.66 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.17 Medium
    Full details:
    1381 hits

  • Pressing of Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica)

    An indigenous technology of enhancing wildling growth by pressing of cogon grass.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Natural; Deforested Land
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Enhance the growth of wildling by controlling the growth of fast-growing grasses (cogon); control/avoid forest fires

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Identification of wildlings (2 feet high); Ring weeding; Pressing of cogon away from wildlings; Application of fertilizers. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 950 P/ha; Construction material (wood and rope) - 200 P/ha; Total Cost - P 1,150 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pressing of Cogon (Labor) - 210 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    2.68 Negligible
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    2.52 Negligible
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.22 Low
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.67 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    11.09 Low
    Full details:
    2903 hits

  • Firebreaks/Greenbreaks

    Gaps in vegetation or other combustible material that act as barriers to prevent and/ or control the spreading of forest fires to other areas.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Plantation; afforestation, tree generation
    Land degradation Biological degradation; detrimental effects of fire
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control fires; reduction of dry materials (fuel for wildfires)

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing of Cogon in the firelines; Planting of kakawate cuttings. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 1,250 P/ha. Maintenance: 500 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.11 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.16 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.86 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.36 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.49 Low
    Full details:
    1665 hits

  • Ecological engineering for irrigated lowland rice ecosystem

    Ecological engineering for lowland rice ecosystem by promoting and planting of flower strips in rice fields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual; water use rights- communal (organised)
    Landuse Annual cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Biological degradation: increase of pests/diseases, lost of predators
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Others (Annual Flower Strips; Prevention and Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Biological control reduces pollution by agro-chemicals

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Flowering plant seed collection; flowering plant nursery establishment; transplanting flowering plants. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 4,730P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure - 1,600 P/ha; Total Cost - 6,330 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Flowering plant maintenance, i.e. trimming, removal of volunteer seedlings out of the strips and thinning during cropping season; Watering and replacement in times of long drought fallow period. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 1,880 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.08 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.87 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.64 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.64 High
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    1384 hits

  • Sediment Traps

    "Catch basin, silt traps, cascading canals, trenches, ditches"

    Sediment traps are structures built in the area which includes cascading catchment canal, silt traps and catch basin along perimeter, between pineapple fields and along diversion ditches to collect run-off during rains, preventing and minimizing the eroded soils cascading into natural bodies of water.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley floors
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody: Other: waterways, drainage lines, ponds, dams (after)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Cascading canals and Silt Traps); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Sediment retention/trapping, sediment harvesting; Control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activiteis: Excavation of canal; construction of bed; constructiobn of trenches. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 2,530 P/ha; Equipment - 3,360 P/ha. Maintenance activities: Desilting. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - P7,300 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.33 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.12 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.79 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.60 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.84 Low
    Full details:
    1725 hits

  • Contour Straight Block Layout

    It is a package of soil and water conservation technology that integrates contouring, bedding, and blocking.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody (herbaceous)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Bedding, harrowing, Mulching, Planting materials (pineapple); plowing, construction of vegetative strips (laid out during the land preparation). Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 6,720 P/ha; Equipment (machine use) - 10, 580/ P/ha; Agricultural inputs: planting materials (pineapple) - 10, 200 P/ha; Total Cost - 27, 205 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost: Labor - 13,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.70 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.40 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.23 Medium
    Full details:
    1037 hits

  • Modified Rapid Composting

    Modified Rapid Composting is the in situ decomposition of rice straw using compost fungus activator, Trichoderma harzianum or Effective Microorganism, help in utilizing the residual Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) from the decomposed rice straw.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping; full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitigation /Reduction
    Technical function increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling); - increase in organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance and recurrent activties: Labor for spreading rice straws - 1,300P/ha/year; Spraying of effective microorganism solution - 700 P/ha-year; Total - 2,000P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.04 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.81 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.49 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    2983 hits

  • Compact Farming for Vegetables Production

    Landusers are organized into a group or association to undertake jointly activities in the farm which include operation, input procurement, and marketing of produced crops.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 - 1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform footslopes to hillslopes
    Slope moderate to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1 ; 1- 2
    Land tenure communal, organised
    Landuse Annual cropping Mixed: Agroforestry (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) mixed rainfed - irrigated
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, acidification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Clearing of the area. Establisment cost: 10,400 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: Plowing, harrowing, establishment of Plots, Organic Fertilizer Application; transplanting, watering spraying of botanical pesticide, and harvesting. Maintenance and recurrent costs: Labor - 11, 400 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings and fertilizers) - 7,850 P/ha. Total - 19,290 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.14 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.77 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.55 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.12 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.58 Medium
    Full details:
    1863 hits

  • Sweet Potato Relay Cropping

    "Lapat System"

    A farmer’s indigenous practice of growing sweet potato as a relay crop to its main crop of either rice or corn.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope rolling -hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50 -1
    Land tenure Individual; mixed land ownership
    Landuse Annual cropping; rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment Agronomic: Vegetation/soil cover; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function control of raindrop splash - improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Agricultural inputs (corn seeds, rice seeds, sweet potato cuttings) - 5,100 P/ha; Maintenance and recurrent costs: clearing, plowing, harrowing, furrowing and planting of corn, rice and sweet potato. and spraying - 18,400 P/ha-year; Agricultural (insecticides) - 500 P/ha-year. Total 18,900 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.02 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.43 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.51 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.95 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.91 Low
    Full details:
    1679 hits

  • Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

    Intensifying the irrigated rice production while at the same time reducing farm inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and water.

    Location lowland; upland and hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100 ; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1 -2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management: Major change in timing of activities Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility. Prevention & Mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting of rice seeds, raising of ducks. Establishment cost of inputs: Ducks - 8,300 P/ha; rice seeds - 900 P/ha. Total - 9,200 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: fertilizer application (compost); harvesting; weeding; first plowing; spraying of natural concoctions; organic fertilizer application; clearing; transplanting; second plowing. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and costs: Labor - 10,026 P/ha-year; Equipment - 6,200 P/ha-year; Fertilizers - 3,100 P/ha-year. Total - 19,326 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.99 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.75 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.39 Medium
    Full details:
    1230 hits

  • Composting using Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)

    Composting is the natural process of decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms under controlled conditions.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) cropping Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrigation
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…); improvement of topsoil structure (compaction); increase of infiltration

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Inputs: Procurement of sprayer, shredder, seedling pots and trays; establishment of composite chamber (shed) - 115,500 P/unit. Maintenance and recurrent activities -Hauling of grass and weeds available in the farm; Shredding of grass and weeds; Spraying the shredded grass and weeds with indigenous microorganisms (IMO); Leave for 14 days to decompose; Application of Compost. Labor - 2,600P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.96 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.71 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.25 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.43 Medium
    Full details:
    5010 hits

  • Organic Mulching

    Organic mulching is a practice of applying thin layer of organic materials on the soil surface that decompose over time for the purpose of conserving soil moisture, reducing soil erosion, improving soil fertility, and reducing weed growth.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrig
    Land degradation Water degradation: aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment; Organic matter/ soil fertility; Vegetation/soil cover; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function control of raindrop splash ; improvement of ground cover; - increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs: Shredder (Machine) - 104,400 P/unit; Sprayer - 1,000 P/unit. Maintenance/recurrent activities (hauling of grasses and weeds available in the farm, shredding of grasses and weeds, spreading of shredded grasses and weeds to the soil surface,spraying of IMO to the shredded grasses): Labor - 2,800 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.54 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.30 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.05 Medium
    Full details:
    1532 hits

  • Sugar Mill Wastewater Re-use for Irrigation

    Re-using of wastewater to support agricultural crop production, as well as, to help in environmental protection

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plain
    Slope flat to gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level
    Land holding/hh (ha) 500-1000
    Land tenure company
    Landuse Annual Cropping; cropland
    Land degradation Water degradation: decline of surface water quality
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural measures: sanitation/wastewater structures; management measures-waste management
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; protect wateshed/downstream areas

    Establishment input and cost per ha Not available
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.00 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.50 Medium
    Full details:
    1486 hits

  • Highly Diversified Cropping in Live Trellis System

    "Kakawate as live trellis "balag""

    Gliricidia sepium locally known as "kakawate" served as live trellis / or anchorage for annual crops (mostly creeping-type vegetables) and erosion control measure. The technology is well-adopted in the community providing immediate food for the farmers and increased income due to diversified farming.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000 -2000
    Landform footslopes and mountainslopes
    Slope hilly to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 51-80; moderately deep; medium to high fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure individual
    Landuse Annual cropping: cropland; Mixed (crops/grazing) incl agroforestry
    Land degradation Soil erosio by water: loss of topsoil/surface erosion; offsite degradation effects
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures - Vegetation/ soil cover, Organic matter/ soil fertility, : Soil surface treatment. Vegetative measures - V1: Tree and shrub cover
    Technical function Improve production; prevent and reduce land degradation; preserve and improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Manual labor for weeding, planting, fertilizer applicatio, harvesting and hauling - P3,600/ha; Planting materials - P2,550/ha; Fertilizers and biocides - P10,030/ha; Construction materials - P3,880; Total cost - P20, 060. Maintenance activities: Labor for weeding, trimming of kakawate, application of ferilizers, spraying - P4,500/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.20 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.00 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.50 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1159 hits

  • Mangroves as Buffer against Natural Hazards


    Mangroves "bakauan" are planted in the island coast to form barriers and as first line of defense during storm surges.

    Location coastal area
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 0.00- 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500 - 2,000
    Landform Coast
    Slope 0-2
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level Low
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure State
    Landuse Forest/woodlands; crustaceans breeding ground
    Land degradation Reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetatative measures; prevent land degradation
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; preserve improve biodiversity; reduce disaster; adapt to CC; mitigate CC

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Labor - P2500/ha; Planting materials - P5000/ha; Total Cost -P7500. Maintenance and Recurrent Activities: Labor - P750/ha; Replanting materials - P250/ha; Total - P1,000/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.60 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.60 Medium
    Full details:
    954 hits

  • Conservation Tillage Practices for Corn Production

    "Tipid Saka"

    A crop production system which focuses on soil conservation and reducing excessive tillage operations, reduces labor and farm inputs while increasing productivity and profitability.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure untitledland (leased)
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical Soil Deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures: Prevention and mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increased soil fertility and good soil structure for better nutrient and water uptake by plants

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment input and cost per ha: Labor - 6,950 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides, Bio-N) - 4,400 P/ha; Others (post harvest, market transport and packaging) - 10,810 P/ha. Total Cost - 22,160 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.83 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.84 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.52 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.86 Medium
    Full details:
    1890 hits

  • Natural Vegetative Strips (NVS)

    Within individual cropland plots, strips of land are marked out on the contour and left unploughed in order to form permanent, cross-slope barriers of naturally established grasses and herbs.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 -1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-80; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-20
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, trees and shrubs: rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion; gully erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter.
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; control of dispersed runoff; increase infiltration and increase soil fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establisment activities: Lay out of contour using A-frame; placing wooden pegs along contours; seeding; transplanting; land preparation. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1000 P/ha; Equiipment (animal traction, tools, and stakes) - 3,300 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, seedlings, fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 13,300 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Plowing along the contour leaving unplowed strips; planting; mulching; fertilization, interim cultivation/weeding; plowing mulch into the soil; weeding slashing grass; spreading the cut materials evenly in the alleys; pruning. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor -1,700 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction, tools) - 1,980 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,500 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 11,180 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.56 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.95 Medium
    Full details:
    1833 hits

  • In 'situ' Decomposition of Banana Stalk

    "Palata System"

    Leaving the trunk of a newly harvested banana standing beside a follower plant to provide nutrients and moisture especially during period of drought.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat-gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 2-5; 500-1,000
    Land tenure company leased
    Landuse Perennial (non-woody) cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil detrioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, water degradation; aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility; Increase/maintain water stored in the soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance/recurrent activities: 1) Cutting of crown of newly harvested plants; Inputs: Labor - 2,350 P/ha-year; Equipment - cutting tools - 500 P/ha-year; Total Cost - 2,850P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.63 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.02 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.65 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.99 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.29 Low
    Full details:
    1468 hits

  • Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP)

    Development of micro-catchment for soil and water conservation and for the provision of supplementary irrigation during the dry season.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120 ; >120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; perennial crop
    Land degradation Water degradation, aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation/reduction and rehabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting nd increase water supply

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing, staking and laying out; Stripping and excavation; embankment filling; pipe lay out and installation; riprapping; concrete works, embankment sodding; and canal excavation and lining. Establishment inputs and cost per ha of service area: Labor - 105,000 P/ha; Materials - 99,000 P/ha; 96,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 300,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent costs (Embankment maintenance, appurtenant structures maintenance, canal maintenance): Labor - 12,000 P/ha-year; Minor equipment - 3,000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 15,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.26 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.62 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.04 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.97 High
    Full details:
    7438 hits

  • Small Farm Reservoir (SFR)


    The Small Farm Rerservoir is an earth dam structure used to trap harvest and store rainfall and water runoff.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plains/hillslopes
    Slope rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; low organic matter content
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation soil erosion and excessive runoff; limited water supply
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures: Prevention and rhabilitation
    Technical function Water harvesting/ increase water supply; Control dispersed runoff, retain/trapped; contol concentrated runoff: retain/trap.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Laying-out & staking; 2) Clearing; 3) Excavation; 4) Spreading of fill materials; 5) Embankment filling and compaction; 6) pipe laying out and setting; and 7) canal/spillway construction. Total construction cost - 40,000 - 100,000 P/unit.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.40 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.96 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.97 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    3280 hits

  • Multi-Storey Cropping

    "Maramihang Pagtatanim or Planting in Great Numbers"

    Cultivating a mixture of crops with different heights (multi-storey) and growth characteristics which together optimise the use of soil, moisture and space.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes, ridges, and plateau/plain
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Agroforestry, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of top soil/surface runoff; chemical soil deterioration; fertilit decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Control raindrop splash; improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment actvities: Planting of tallest storey (coconut); Planting of lowest storey (pineapple); Planting of lowest storey continued (root crops); Planting of middle storey (coffe and banana). Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 7,000 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction and farm tools) - 4, 230 P/ha; Agricultural (seedlings, fertilizer, biocides, compost/manure) - 54,000 P/ha; Total Cost - 65,230 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,100 P/ha-year; Agricultural (fertilizer, biocides) - 9,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.40 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.97 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.98 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    16.56 High
    Full details:
    4240 hits

  • Residue Incorporation (Corn)

    "Palugdang", "Palata"

    Incorporation of corn stalks during land preparation for the succeeding crop.

    Location upland to hillyland and highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-3000
    Landform footslopes- hillslopes; plateau/plains
    Slope gentle-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50 - > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-5
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline; and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures: Rehabilitation
    Technical function Increase soil fertility and organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Equiipment (animal traction) - 1,500 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, biocides) - 7,700 P/ha; Others (planting, Harvesting, Maintenance) - 4,500 P/ha; Total cost - 13,700 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.56 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.04 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.98 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.16 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.74 Low
    Full details:
    1078 hits

  • Planted Vegetative Strips (PVS)

    Planting of economic crops/forages in strips along the contour to control soil loss through erosion.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-2000
    Landform hillslopes; plateaus/plains
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control; dispersed runoff; imped and retard

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Planting of Alley crops; contouring; planting of vegetative strips. Establishment inputs and costs: Labor - 950 P/ha; Equipment (animal traction) - 600 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seeds and seedlings) - 5,300 P/ha. Total Cost - 6,850 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.81 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.69 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.94 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.53 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.97 Medium
    Full details:
    786 hits

  • Windbreaks

    Planting of herbaceous plants or trees along property boundaries to serve as windbreaks and as sources of fodder and fuel.

    Location lowland; upland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform footslopes; hillslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse agro-silvo pastoralism, rainfed
    Land degradation soil erosion by wind, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Prevention
    Technical function Reduction in wind speed

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs and cost per ha (seeding /planting): Labor - 1,880 P/ha'; Tools - 250 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedling, stem cuttings) - 800 P/ha. Total Cost - 2,930 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Removal of dead branches (trees); Cutting of grasses. Maintenance/recurrent cost per ha per year: Labor - 700 P/ha-year; Minor tools - 300 P/ha; Total recurrent cost - 1,000 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.57 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.44 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.32 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.99 Low
    Full details:
    1897 hits

  • Rainfed paddy rice terraces


    Terraces supporting rainfed paddy rice on steep mountain slopes: these have been in existence for more than a thousand years.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1500-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-3000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope hilly - steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 80-120; > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha)
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Bench Terraces); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; increase/maintain water stored in the soil; reduction of slope angle; reduction of slope length; indirect maintenance of fertility

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Levelling by moving soil from upslope to the downslope part; construction of bunds (lip at the terrace ridge) of about 50-100 cm; determination of contour lines. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 115,000 P/ha; Equipment - 10,000 P/ha; Total cost - 125,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding by cutting grasses on the bund/riser using hand tools, hoeing; Land preparation by puddling, in most cases the use of animal traction is not possible because of the steepness of the slope and height of the risers; Repairing breached portion of the bunds, adding few centimeters in the process. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 3,000 P/ha-year; Equipment (farm tools) - 1000 P/ha-year; Total maintenance cost - 4,000 P/ha-year. Remarks: The costs of establishment are just estimates as new terrace construction no longer takes place in the study area. The land has already been terraced for centuries. The maintenance costs assumes minor and light maintenance and does not include major repairs of bunds.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.91 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.67 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.69 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1039 hits

  • Stone bunds and small basins

    "Pamugong sa yuta (Cebuano)"

    Piling of stones and rocks along the contour to control run-off and soil erosion. It is also about the creation of small basins by removing stones and using them as barriers.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500-2,000
    Landform hill slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Surface soil erosion, top soil removal
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures; Mitigation and rehabilitation
    Technical function control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; gathering and piling of stones along contour with development of small basin for rainwater impoundment. Establishment inputs and cost per ha. Labor - 47,000 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 1,800 P/ha.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.46 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.15 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.47 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.58 Low
    Full details:
    899 hits

  • Vetiver grass system or Vetiver grass technology

    "Mora, Moras, Amora and Modas in the different regions in the Philippines"

    Vetiver grass used as contour hedgerows in sloping agricultural land used for annual crops.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80 ; low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping rainfed
    Land degradation Surface erosion by water, loss of top soil
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mtigation and prevention
    Technical function control dispersed runoff, retain top soil; reduction of slope length

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting vertiver grass along contour; Replacement/replanting gaps. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 2,350 P/ha; Seedlings - 4,700 P/ha; Total Cost - 7,050 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pruning. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.38 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.14 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.77 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.80 Low
    Full details:
    1627 hits

  • Littuko Growing for Forest Enhancement

    Growing of rattan is done by upland farmers as part of the Community Based Forest Management (CBFM).

    Location upland to hillyland and higland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes
    Slope hilly to steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure communal, organized
    Landuse Natural;; Other: Grazing land; forest
    Land degradation Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitat
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Promotion of vegetation species and varieties; conservation of trees that serve as hosts; increase organic matter; increase biomass

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Nursery establishment through seedbed; transplanting. Establishment per unit: Labor - 400 P/unit; Agricultural inputs (incl. seeds) - 10,400 P/ha; Total Cost -10,800/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.65 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.48 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.93 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.39 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.45 Medium
    Full details:
    1637 hits

  • Rockwall Terracing

    Rockwall terracing refers to the piling of stones or rocks along contour lines to reduce soil erosion in hilly areas.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping; mixed grazing land, rainfed and irrigated
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/surface runoff
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Strucutural Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff: retain trap; retain /trap; control concentrated runoff: retain trap; control soil erosion

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Contouring; Digging along contour; Gathering and piling of stones along contour. Establishment inpputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 37,800 P/ha; Equipment - 1,000 P/ha; Total cost - 38,800 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent of activities: Re-piling of stones and rocks that are dislodged. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per unit (ha) per year: Labor - 1,000 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.30 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.19 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.66 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.28 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.43 Low
    Full details:
    1217 hits

  • Seed Production of Multipurpose Shrubs/Legumes

    Seed production of multipurpose shrubs and legumes, a soil conservation practice in sloping areas wherein flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) and Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) are densely planted along contours.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs cropping: Forests/woodlands: natural cropland
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil/ surface runoff; chemical deterioraton-fertlity decline; biological degradation
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function control of dispersed runoff-retain/trap; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap; improvement of ground cover; promotion of vegetation species and varieties

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Land preparation; Plowing, harrowing and furrowing; Establishment of contour lines and laying out. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 2,300 P/ha; Equipment (bamboo pegs) - 150 P/ha; Seeds - 2,100 P/ha; Total Cost - 4,550 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Weeding/hilling-up; Harvesting; Sun drying; Manual threshing; Harvesting of Flemengia and Indigofera. Maintenance/recurrent costs: Labor - 2,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.06 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.47 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.95 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.41 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.89 Medium
    Full details:
    960 hits

  • Contour Farming Using Hedgerows

    "Contour Farming"

    Contour farming is a technology practiced in sloping areas in which hedgerows are established along the contours and other annual/cash crops are grown in the alleys between the hedges.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountain slopes
    Slope rolling - hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) < 0.50
    Land tenure not titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/ surface erosion; chemical deterioration; fertillity decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Rehabilitation
    Technical function Conrol of dispersed runoff: retain/trap; minimize soil erosion due to runoff; serve as soil nutrient traps

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Laying out and establishment of contour lines/hedges; Planting of hedgerows with Napier grass; Planting of perennial crops along contour. Establishment inputs and costs per unit (ha): Labor - 1,350 P/ha; Local materials (A-frame) - 100 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings, herbecides) - 4,400 P/ha; Total cost - 5,850 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation of alley between hedges; furrowing; planting of corn (first cropping); Weeding; Harvesting of first crop; Planting of second crop (corn & peanut; Weeding; Harvesting of second crop. Maitenance/recurrent inputs and cost per ha per year: Labor - 1,950 P/ha-year; Equipment (animal traction)/ - 300 P/ha-year; Agricultural inputs (seeds and fertilizer) - 2,200 P/ha-year: Total maintenance cost - 4,450 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.03 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.76 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.90 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.77 High
    Full details:
    3296 hits

  • Vegetable Terracing

    Vegetable terracing is a technology practiced at which point terraces are established from the contours along mountain slope for crop production.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 2000-2500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform hillslopes-mountainslopes
    Slope rolling-hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50;low fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled, individual
    Landuse Annual cropping, Forest/woodlandrest/woodlands
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of topsoil/surface erosion; chemical soil deterioration; fertility decline and reduced organic matter
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Structural Measures; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Control of dspersed runoff: impede/retart; control concentrated runoff: impede/retard; reduction of slope angle

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Establishment of terraces. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 25,100 P/ha; Minor tools - 600 P/ha; Total cost - 25,700 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Land preparation; application of chicken manure; Planting; hilling up including application of fertilizer; Weeding; Spraying of insecticides; Harvesting. Maintenance/recurrent costs per ha per year: Labor - 14,570 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure, insecticides) - 43,300 P/ha-year. Total maintenance/recurrent costs - 57,870 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.16 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.88 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.82 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.56 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.42 Medium
    Full details:
    1492 hits

  • Alternate Wetting and Drying

    Alternate Wetting and Drying is a water-use management technique wherein irrigation water input could be substantially reduced to as much as 35% without significantly affecting rice yields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) < 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plain
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level > 120 ; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Annual Cropping, irrigated
    Land degradation Water degradation, change in quantity of surface water
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management Measures- Major changes in timing of activities; Prevention
    Technical function More efficient water use

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: 1) Preparation of PVC/bamboo tubes; 2) Perforating the sides of the tubes with many holes; Establishment inputs and cost per unit: Labor - 160 P/pc; Materials: PVC - 210 P/pc; Total Cost - 370P/pc
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.88 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.92 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.59 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.72 Medium
    Full details:
    1971 hits

  • Trees as Buffer Zones

    Trees as buffer zones are vegetative measures established in the area to prevent pest from crossing in between blocks. Further, the technology provides haven for flora and fauna which are endemic in the area.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual
    Landuse Trees and shrubs
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Mitigation and prevention
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; stabilization of soil; reduction in wind speed; increase biomass; spatial arrangement and diversification of land use; improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Grass Brushing; Hole Digging; Planting. Establishment inputs: Labor - 5,500 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost per hac per year: Labor - 3,700 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.63 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.08 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.66 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.17 Medium
    Full details:
    1381 hits

  • Pressing of Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica)

    An indigenous technology of enhancing wildling growth by pressing of cogon grass.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Natural; Deforested Land
    Land degradation Biological degradation; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Enhance the growth of wildling by controlling the growth of fast-growing grasses (cogon); control/avoid forest fires

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Identification of wildlings (2 feet high); Ring weeding; Pressing of cogon away from wildlings; Application of fertilizers. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 950 P/ha; Construction material (wood and rope) - 200 P/ha; Total Cost - P 1,150 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Pressing of Cogon (Labor) - 210 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    2.68 Negligible
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    2.52 Negligible
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.22 Low
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.67 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    11.09 Low
    Full details:
    2903 hits

  • Firebreaks/Greenbreaks

    Gaps in vegetation or other combustible material that act as barriers to prevent and/ or control the spreading of forest fires to other areas.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope moderate-rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 50-100
    Land tenure Lands owned by the state; Land user rights: open access (unorganized)
    Landuse Plantation; afforestation, tree generation
    Land degradation Biological degradation; detrimental effects of fire
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures, Others (Suppressing of Cogon; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control fires; reduction of dry materials (fuel for wildfires)

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Clearing of Cogon in the firelines; Planting of kakawate cuttings. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 1,250 P/ha. Maintenance: 500 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.11 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.16 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.86 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.36 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.49 Low
    Full details:
    1665 hits

  • Ecological engineering for irrigated lowland rice ecosystem

    Ecological engineering for lowland rice ecosystem by promoting and planting of flower strips in rice fields.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure titled land, individual; water use rights- communal (organised)
    Landuse Annual cropping, full irrigation
    Land degradation Biological degradation: increase of pests/diseases, lost of predators
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetative Measures; Others (Annual Flower Strips; Prevention and Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function Biological control reduces pollution by agro-chemicals

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Flowering plant seed collection; flowering plant nursery establishment; transplanting flowering plants. Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 4,730P/ha; Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, compost/manure - 1,600 P/ha; Total Cost - 6,330 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent activities: Flowering plant maintenance, i.e. trimming, removal of volunteer seedlings out of the strips and thinning during cropping season; Watering and replacement in times of long drought fallow period. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha per year: Labor - 1,880 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.08 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.87 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.05 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.64 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.64 High
    Full details:
    1384 hits

  • Sediment Traps

    "Catch basin, silt traps, cascading canals, trenches, ditches"

    Sediment traps are structures built in the area which includes cascading catchment canal, silt traps and catch basin along perimeter, between pineapple fields and along diversion ditches to collect run-off during rains, preventing and minimizing the eroded soils cascading into natural bodies of water.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley floors
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody: Other: waterways, drainage lines, ponds, dams (after)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural Measures (Cascading canals and Silt Traps); Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Sediment retention/trapping, sediment harvesting; Control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert.

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activiteis: Excavation of canal; construction of bed; constructiobn of trenches. Establishment inputs and costs per ha: Labor - 2,530 P/ha; Equipment - 3,360 P/ha. Maintenance activities: Desilting. Maintenance/recurrent inputs and costs per ha: Labor - P7,300 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.33 Low
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.12 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.79 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.60 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.84 Low
    Full details:
    1725 hits

  • Contour Straight Block Layout

    It is a package of soil and water conservation technology that integrates contouring, bedding, and blocking.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500; 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform hillslopes; valley
    Slope gentle - moderate
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; 80-120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure titled land, individual; land user right - leased
    Landuse Perennial; non-woody (herbaceous)
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water; loss of top soil; surface erosion
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic and Vegetative Measures; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function Control of raindrop splash; control of dispersed runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard; control of concentrated runoff; retain/trap, impede/retard, drain/divert

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Bedding, harrowing, Mulching, Planting materials (pineapple); plowing, construction of vegetative strips (laid out during the land preparation). Establishment inputs and cost per ha: Labor - 6,720 P/ha; Equipment (machine use) - 10, 580/ P/ha; Agricultural inputs: planting materials (pineapple) - 10, 200 P/ha; Total Cost - 27, 205 P/ha. Maintenance/recurrent cost: Labor - 13,100 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.80 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.33 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.70 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.40 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.23 Medium
    Full details:
    1037 hits

  • Modified Rapid Composting

    Modified Rapid Composting is the in situ decomposition of rice straw using compost fungus activator, Trichoderma harzianum or Effective Microorganism, help in utilizing the residual Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) from the decomposed rice straw.

    Location lowland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1500-2000
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1-2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping; full irrigation
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitigation /Reduction
    Technical function increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling); - increase in organic matter

    Establishment input and cost per ha Maintenance and recurrent activties: Labor for spreading rice straws - 1,300P/ha/year; Spraying of effective microorganism solution - 700 P/ha-year; Total - 2,000P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.04 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.81 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.49 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.36 Medium
    Full details:
    2983 hits

  • Compact Farming for Vegetables Production

    Landusers are organized into a group or association to undertake jointly activities in the farm which include operation, input procurement, and marketing of produced crops.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500 - 1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform footslopes to hillslopes
    Slope moderate to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 50-80; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1 ; 1- 2
    Land tenure communal, organised
    Landuse Annual cropping Mixed: Agroforestry (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) mixed rainfed - irrigated
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, acidification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Clearing of the area. Establisment cost: 10,400 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: Plowing, harrowing, establishment of Plots, Organic Fertilizer Application; transplanting, watering spraying of botanical pesticide, and harvesting. Maintenance and recurrent costs: Labor - 11, 400 P/ha; Agricultural inputs (seedlings and fertilizers) - 7,850 P/ha. Total - 19,290 P/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.14 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.77 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.55 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.12 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.58 Medium
    Full details:
    1863 hits

  • Sweet Potato Relay Cropping

    "Lapat System"

    A farmer’s indigenous practice of growing sweet potato as a relay crop to its main crop of either rice or corn.

    Location upland to hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform hillslopes; mountain slopes
    Slope rolling -hilly
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 20-50; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.50 -1
    Land tenure Individual; mixed land ownership
    Landuse Annual cropping; rainfed
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Biological degradation: reduction of vegetation cover
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment Agronomic: Vegetation/soil cover; Mitigation/Reduction
    Technical function control of raindrop splash - improvement of ground cover

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Agricultural inputs (corn seeds, rice seeds, sweet potato cuttings) - 5,100 P/ha; Maintenance and recurrent costs: clearing, plowing, harrowing, furrowing and planting of corn, rice and sweet potato. and spraying - 18,400 P/ha-year; Agricultural (insecticides) - 500 P/ha-year. Total 18,900 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.02 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.43 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.51 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    2.95 Negligible
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    13.91 Low
    Full details:
    1679 hits

  • Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

    Intensifying the irrigated rice production while at the same time reducing farm inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and water.

    Location lowland; upland and hillyland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) <100 ; 100-500
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000-1500
    Landform plateau/plains
    Slope flat
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level >120; medium fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 1 -2
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping
    Land degradation Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Management: Major change in timing of activities Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility. Prevention & Mitigation/reduction
    Technical function increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Planting of rice seeds, raising of ducks. Establishment cost of inputs: Ducks - 8,300 P/ha; rice seeds - 900 P/ha. Total - 9,200 P/ha. Maintenance and recurrent activities: fertilizer application (compost); harvesting; weeding; first plowing; spraying of natural concoctions; organic fertilizer application; clearing; transplanting; second plowing. Maintenance and recurrent inputs and costs: Labor - 10,026 P/ha-year; Equipment - 6,200 P/ha-year; Fertilizers - 3,100 P/ha-year. Total - 19,326 P/ha-year.
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.99 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.75 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.02 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.63 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.39 Medium
    Full details:
    1230 hits

  • Composting using Indigenous Microorganism (IMO)

    Composting is the natural process of decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms under controlled conditions.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) cropping Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrigation
    Land degradation Soil erosion by water: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Chemical soil deterioration: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Organic matter / soil fertility; Mitgation/reduction
    Technical function Increase in organic matter; increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…); improvement of topsoil structure (compaction); increase of infiltration

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Inputs: Procurement of sprayer, shredder, seedling pots and trays; establishment of composite chamber (shed) - 115,500 P/unit. Maintenance and recurrent activities -Hauling of grass and weeds available in the farm; Shredding of grass and weeds; Spraying the shredded grass and weeds with indigenous microorganisms (IMO); Leave for 14 days to decompose; Application of Compost. Labor - 2,600P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.96 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.71 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.25 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.51 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.43 Medium
    Full details:
    5010 hits

  • Organic Mulching

    Organic mulching is a practice of applying thin layer of organic materials on the soil surface that decompose over time for the purpose of conserving soil moisture, reducing soil erosion, improving soil fertility, and reducing weed growth.

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 1000-5000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 3000-4000
    Landform mountain slopes
    Slope steep
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 0-20; medium
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5-1
    Land tenure individual; titled
    Landuse Annual cropping Perennial (non-woody) Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Cropland: Annual cropping (after) full irrig
    Land degradation Water degradation: aridification
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic: Soil surface treatment; Organic matter/ soil fertility; Vegetation/soil cover; Prevention and mitigation
    Technical function control of raindrop splash ; improvement of ground cover; - increase in organic matter; increase / maintain water stored in soil

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment inputs: Shredder (Machine) - 104,400 P/unit; Sprayer - 1,000 P/unit. Maintenance/recurrent activities (hauling of grasses and weeds available in the farm, shredding of grasses and weeds, spreading of shredded grasses and weeds to the soil surface,spraying of IMO to the shredded grasses): Labor - 2,800 P/ha-year
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.54 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.21 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.30 Low
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.05 Medium
    Full details:
    1532 hits

  • Sugar Mill Wastewater Re-use for Irrigation

    Re-using of wastewater to support agricultural crop production, as well as, to help in environmental protection

    Location highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 500-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 2000-3000
    Landform plateau/plain
    Slope flat to gently sloping
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level
    Land holding/hh (ha) 500-1000
    Land tenure company
    Landuse Annual Cropping; cropland
    Land degradation Water degradation: decline of surface water quality
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Structural measures: sanitation/wastewater structures; management measures-waste management
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; protect wateshed/downstream areas

    Establishment input and cost per ha Not available
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.00 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.00 Low
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.50 Medium
    Full details:
    1486 hits

  • Highly Diversified Cropping in Live Trellis System

    "Kakawate as live trellis "balag""

    Gliricidia sepium locally known as "kakawate" served as live trellis / or anchorage for annual crops (mostly creeping-type vegetables) and erosion control measure. The technology is well-adopted in the community providing immediate food for the farmers and increased income due to diversified farming.

    Location upland to hillyland; highland
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 100-1000
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1000 -2000
    Landform footslopes and mountainslopes
    Slope hilly to rolling
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level 51-80; moderately deep; medium to high fertility
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure individual
    Landuse Annual cropping: cropland; Mixed (crops/grazing) incl agroforestry
    Land degradation Soil erosio by water: loss of topsoil/surface erosion; offsite degradation effects
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Agronomic measures - Vegetation/ soil cover, Organic matter/ soil fertility, : Soil surface treatment. Vegetative measures - V1: Tree and shrub cover
    Technical function Improve production; prevent and reduce land degradation; preserve and improve biodiversity

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment activities: Manual labor for weeding, planting, fertilizer applicatio, harvesting and hauling - P3,600/ha; Planting materials - P2,550/ha; Fertilizers and biocides - P10,030/ha; Construction materials - P3,880; Total cost - P20, 060. Maintenance activities: Labor for weeding, trimming of kakawate, application of ferilizers, spraying - P4,500/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    4.20 High
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    4.00 High
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    3.50 Medium
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    15.20 Medium
    Full details:
    1159 hits

  • Mangroves as Buffer against Natural Hazards


    Mangroves "bakauan" are planted in the island coast to form barriers and as first line of defense during storm surges.

    Location coastal area
    Altitude, meters above sea level (masl) 0.00- 100
    Annual rainfall (mm) 1,500 - 2,000
    Landform Coast
    Slope 0-2
    Soil depth (cm) & fertility level Low
    Land holding/hh (ha) 0.5 - 1.0
    Land tenure State
    Landuse Forest/woodlands; crustaceans breeding ground
    Land degradation Reduction of vegetation cover; loss of habitats
    Conservation measure & stages of intervention Vegetatative measures; prevent land degradation
    Technical function Conserve ecosystem; preserve improve biodiversity; reduce disaster; adapt to CC; mitigate CC

    Establishment input and cost per ha Establishment Activities: Labor - P2500/ha; Planting materials - P5000/ha; Total Cost -P7500. Maintenance and Recurrent Activities: Labor - P750/ha; Replanting materials - P250/ha; Total - P1,000/ha
    Assessment of the technology
    Production and socio economic benefits
    3.60 Medium
    Socio-cultural benefits
    (2.52 - 3.97)
    3.50 Medium
    Ecological benefits
    (3.22 - 4.25)

    3.50 Medium
    Offsite benefits
    (2.67 - 4.04)

    4.00 High
    Total benefits
    (11.09 - 16.66)
    14.60 Medium
    Full details:
    954 hits