Guidelines on the Promotion and Implementation of Soil Conservation

I Rationale.

With the growing population and impacts of climate change and human-induced activities to our upland resources (i.e. soil and water degradation and loss of biodiversity), the Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Soils and Water Management promotes the implementation of soil and water conservation for upland resources development, and watershed management for SSIPs (e.g. small water impounding project or SWIP, small farm reservoirs or SFR, small diversion dams or SDD). It intends to provide livelihoods to upland farmers while protecting our natural resource base, and to ensure the hydrologic stability of SSIPs’ watersheds for their long-term ecological functions, respectively. This is currently being undertaken through the Soil Conservation Guided Farm Project (SCGFP)/Integrated Upland Soil Conservation Project, a land use management approach that integrates technologies within the socio-economic conditions and bio-physical limitations of upland areas so that our soil and water resources are developed in a more sustainable manner. It involves a farming system that adopts appropriate land use management options and the right mix of soil and water conservation practices.

A Soil Conservation Guided Farm serves as a technology demonstration and learning center which showcases appropriate soil and water conservation measures for sustainable land management. The implementation of this project aims to promote, disseminate, and create awareness and advocacies among farmers on soil and water conservation for its broader and more sustainable adoption.

In order to have a common understanding of the concepts of SCGFP and its guiding principles, to identify requirements of a successful SCGFP, and to ensure a broader and more efficient implementation of the project at the local level, these guidelines are therefore, formulated.

II Scope on coverage of the guidelines.

These guidelines shall cover the promotion and implementation of Soil Conservation Guided Farm Project (SCGFP)/Integrated Upland Soil Conservation as technology demonstration for upland resources development, and watershed management particularly for small water impounding systems and equivalent small rural infrastructure facilities. These contain the basic technical requirements for site selection and evaluation, field survey and investigation, selection of appropriate soil and water conservation measures, farm planning, capacity building, procedures on how farmer-clienteles could avail the technical assistance and services; possible institutional arrangement, as may be required; and monitoring and follow-up activities.

III General policy guidelines.

Cultivation of sloping areas for agricultural production without appropriate soil and water conservation measures will result to excessive surface runoff, severe soil erosion, and rapid soil moisture and nutrient depletion. Downstream, it has negative environmental impacts such as siltation of rivers, water pollution and “consequential damage” such as flood and water scarcity.

As a matter of policy, agricultural production in sloping areas particularly in the uplands shall adopt appropriate soil and water conservation measures to protect our soil and water resources. Similarly, a watershed management plan for all small-scale irrigation projects (SSIPs) (i.e. small water impounding projects, small diversion dams, small farm reservoirs, and other equivalent facilities) shall be prepared and adopted to maintain their hydrological stability and prolong the life of these small-scale rural infrastructures. In consonance with existing policies (e.g. Section 12. Protection of Watershed Areas, AFMA of 1997; BPI Memorandum Order No. 95 S. 2012, Nationwide Imposition of Label on Yellow Corn Seeds to Sustain Farming in Sloping Areas), these shall be pursued by way of Information and Education Campaign (IEC) and establishment of Soil and Water   Conservation Guided Farms as model farms on soil and water conservation and watershed protection and management and in support to the National Greening Program (NGP) of the government and other related endeavours (e.g. Rehabilitation of Habitats and Resources-at-Risk of Manila Bay).

IV Technical guidelines.

In general, Soil Conservation Guided Farm Project (SCGFP)/Integrated Upland Soil Conservation aims to promote sustainable land use management that provides agricultural livelihoods while protecting and maintaining environmental sustainability in the upland areas of the country. Its specific objectives are to:

V Project components.

  1. Information and Advocacy Campaign.

    This will involve briefing and orientation, seminars and relevant fora, distribution of IEC materials, use tri-media and other related events and dissemination of tools to influence national local processes and actors to promote and adopt soil and water conservation technologies. Important topics for presentation and discussion will include the current state of land degradation and their threats and root causes and other related environmental issues, basic knowledge on soil and water conservation, barriers to the adoption of soil and water conservation, and relevant environment and agriculture-related policies among others.

  2. Training and Extension.

    Using the training modules prepared by BSWM, training of farmer-cooperators will be pursued through the concerned LGUs with assistance and support from BSWM. The training will focus primarily on the practical approaches on soil and water conservation as presented in these guidelines i.e. right mix of land use management options and appropriate soil and water conservation measures.

  3. Establishment of Soil Conservation Guided Farm and Technology Demonstration.

    The central element of the project is the establishment of Soil Conservation Guided Farm as technology demonstration on soil and water conservation. A soil conservation techno-demo farm will cover a contiguous area of not least than 1.0 ha in the upland areas and will be planned according to the appropriate land use option and soil conservation measures (Annexes 1 and 2). Techno-demo farm sites will be identified and selected according the criteria indicated in these guidelines and in consultation with potential farmer-cooperators. The following baseline data and information as inputs for soil conservation planning will be generated/collected:

    • Topographic map
    • Soil and land use data (including maps)
    • Agro-meteorological data and information
    • Agro-economic data and information
    • Hydro-meteorological data

    The establishment of techno demo farms will be facilitated by the BSWM in partnership with the DA-Regional Field Office, other agencies, LGUs and farmer-cooperators.

VI Institutional arrangements and project execution.

The techno-demo farms shall be established through various interest groups: individual upland farmers and advocates of sustainable agriculture; farmers’ associations and cooperatives; government and non-government institutions; and other willing partners.

The implementation of the project shall be spearheaded by the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) and will be carried out either through the following mode and arrangements:

  • Provision of technical support and assistance to walk-in co-operators (i.e. interest groups/individuals with advocacy on sustainable land management (SLM)
  • Partnership and collaboration with farmers associations/cooperatives and non-government organizations (NGOs); and interested groups from the private sector, and
  • Partnership and collaboration with concerned DA-RFOs and other government agencies/institutions including local government units (LGUs) and SCUs.

In case of partnership and collaboration with DA-RFOs, other government agencies and institutions and local government units (LGUs), a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between shall be prepared to highlight the roles of participating agencies and institutions.

VII Monitoring and evaluation and follow-up activities.

The Bureau of Soils and Water Management in coordination with the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Offices and other partner agencies shall conduct periodic monitoring of project activities and undertake regular follow up activities to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.