In some areas land degradation may not be obvious or visible for some time. In other places, the slow process of sheet and rill erosion exists; gullies emerge. These small disturbances in our fragile ecosystems, when remain unattended, may result in a widespread and severe land degradation. Unhealthy soil results to production loss - a problem in cropland and grazing land.
Besides water erosion, we find numerous other types of land degradation which affect of course the livelihood of land users, i.e. farmers, herders, foresters. Below are pictures of various land degradation to name just a few.
Many of these processes and impactsProcesses and Impacts
It includes soil erosion caused by wind and water; deterioration of the biological, physical and chemical properties of soils; and long term loss of vegetation. have been studied in detail. For a long time, researches focus on land degradation with lesser emphasis on interventions to combat and prevent it.
Implies the use of conservation measures that maintain natural resources and their environmental and productive function on land.
An intervention intended to reduce ongoing degradation.
Is required when the land is already degraded to such an extent that the original use is no longer possible, and land has become practically unproductive.
Despite continuous efforts to spread SLM practices, adoption is still alarmingly low. Successful adoption of SLM depends on a combination of factors and it is a challenge to find best SLM practices for diverse local conditions. It is, therefore, essential to provide decision support tools for local land-users, specialists, planners, and decision-makers and invest in knowledge management and decision support mechanisms by following sound procedures and tapping existing knowledge (WOCAT WOCAT
World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies.2011).
SLM technologies and approaches remain scattered and in different formats. There are knowledge gaps specifically in terms of area covered, impacts and economics of SLM and therefore these knowledge are not used to make decisions. Hence, there is a need to document this wealth of knowledge on SLM, put them into a database, and process them into knowledge products that can be used as decision support tools .
TooltipThe general objective is to develop sustainable land management (SLM) decision support tools for combating land degradation, and the effects of climate change
The project will focus on the following ecosystems nationwide; with each ecosystem to be covered by a partner PHILCAT member-institution that serves as the SLM center for best practices:
The project will deliver the following outputs with respect to each specific objective:
The project roster is composed of soil and water conservation (SWC) specialists nominated/endorsed by heads of the different agencies/institutions of the country working on SWC contributing to sustainable land management (SLM).